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Sqad | 09:31 Fri 17th Jun 2011 | News
104 Answers

................thank goodness we have entered into a less violent society.


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Those Asian men do not know how to behave.
It's the British disease of being obsessed with how much you can drink until you fall over in a pile of vomit or have a fight or both which then constitutes a good time. Why not just have a few and then leave it at that? Some people never know when to stop.
'i used to work in a bookies em.... not quite the same i know but we very rarely saw black folks in there'

^^^ I did too pixi... I saw quite a lot of black folks in the shop, I worked in Peckham and Catford, very high asian custom when I was in a branch in Hownslow (sp!). I think there's probably a demographic element. Certainly in Twickenham, it was primarily white folks.

I had you down as a person who was shrewd enough to be able to interpret a serious post against a tongue in cheek one, that was I must admit purposely bordering a little on the provocative side, to try and catch the usual persons.

The Lower Class, comments were obviously not serious and the knife comment was a light hearted swipe at pixi- also light hearted swipe (I believe) at White persons.

Funny enough though, no one else seem to be bothered about this unnecessary inclusion of 'colour', but then that is not unusual, as some can make what comments they like without redress, but let AOG do the same and they are down on him like a pack of wolves.

Yes had I done the same as pixi- there would have been accusations of racism and other enquiring why i needed to introduce 'colour' into the thread.
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It should stay....

Then that person who has a numbered user name can come in and defend him!!
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,,,,,Still, good to see that automatic deference to ones betters and a genetic predisposition to tug a forelock every time a person of quality passes has been bred into AoGs DNA........... "better classes" For Funks Sake!! Which decade are you stuck in again, AoG? 1930s maybe?....

AOG's comments were made both tongue in cheek and to promote discussion which it clearly has succeeded in doing. This is not a racial thing nor indeed is it sexist, but a generation assessment and comparison and deserves consideration.

A generation ago, in the 50's and 60's there was indeed a culture of us and them depending upon birth, achievement and position and this was reflected in the way one was addressed, one salary and one's life style. Over the past couple of decades, for reasons of social equality, these echelons have become eroded and we have lost us and them and it seems that we are all us.........I am not saying that is a good thing or a retrograde step......but it has happened. many of us from the latter generation have difficulty in understanding the changes in respect, values of achievement and loss of traditional values...........for this we are sorry.

It seems, on occasions, that the modern attitude is "bu99er you Charlie, I'm alright".....but this may be the ramblings of a vestige of yesteryear man.
( antics of the lower orders ) ? what/who are the lower orders ?
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While I was putting together my last comment, I see you have not disappointed me, exactly as I forecast, you are un-believable, you not only take the bait but also the hook line and sinker as well.

As for pixi- 's comment about my racist comment remaining, how dare she, was it not her that made this sarcastic provocative and racist comment :

/// my god whats happening to england? they were nearly all white!!! ///

Or does this racist thing only apply one way?
@Sqad - Given the tone of AoGs posts that I have read over the years, I still find it difficult to distinguish between an offhand and offensive "tongue in cheek" comment, and a deliberate and serious offensive comment ;) Good to see you leaping to his defence though.

You are right - Things have moved on, and markedly so. No one, regardless of station, is deserving of automatic deference.Not the Queen, not the Pope, not the POTUSA. Respect for achievement, yes. Respect for what they represent - hmm, maybe. No unthinking deference, no unthinking respect for people who by happy accident of birth, or pleasing combination of genetics ,or those who manage to blag a place in celebrity culture deserve nothing more than anyone else.
Oh please AOG....seriously.
AOG, you made the comment that, had they not all been white, there would have been stabbings... that's the post which has subsequently been removed because it was absolutely a racist comment.
You missed off the emphasis quote-marks thereby altering the meaning of what I I say, attention to detail, anne, attention to detail.........
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>>>No one, regardless of station, is deserving of automatic deference>>>

This is a matter of opinion.

<<<< Respect for achievement, yes>>>

But I don't see this...........I see a culture of envy...."why should he live in a big house or why should he earn that salary or why has he got a new car".....yes maybe sweeping statements, but that is how i sometimes see it.

<<<<Respect for what they represent - hmm, maybe>>>

From your posts, it is clear that you a non clinician, but well educated and qualified chemical pathologist. probably head of the department, so you will understand the a generation ago ALL Consultants and heads of departments were refereed to as "Sir"....this I gather is not the case today. Not important you may say and you may well be right, but to me it is symbolic of the general leveling out of society, resulting in a reduction of discipline respect and ambition.

As you see...........I am living beyond my "sell by" date....................
sqad, I don't think you are necessarily living beyond your sell-by date, I agree with a lot of the points you've made there and I'm (I'm assuming) half your age!
The 'culture of envy' I do tend to agree with, I think this goes hand in hand with a false sense of what people 'have a right to' and a loss of an idea that was drummed into me.. that with rights come responsibilities.
Too many people want, but don't want to put in the effort to get, and that is exactly what I think is the root of the vast majority of the problems in today's society.
@Sqad - We are going to have to disagree over the automatic deference thing. No justification for it whatsoever, in this day and age. Once upon a time, certain positions within society did indeed attract more deference than they do now, but I dont mourn its passing. Only those surgeons with a god complex could possibly mourn not being automatically addressed as "Sir" :)
Certainly within professional society, I see little evidence of a lack of respect for achievement and ability - I would afford it to professional colleagues, and they extend to me the same courtesy.

I would agree to some extent that a culture of envy has grown up over the last decade or so - but again, I dont see much evidence of it in professional circles - mostly such envy is expressed through media outlets. Only the most egregious examples of excess seem to be commented on more publicly. Professional footballers earning 100s of thousands of pounds a week does seem ridiculously excessive to me ;)

Regardless, AoGs assumption that class automatically confers behavoural traits, and the rather more offensive suggestion that colour of skin automatically dictates levels of violence deserve be challenged, whether meant in jest or not.

/// whos been removed between me and ummm on page 2? i cant remember anyone being out of order...well anymore than we all usually are ;) ///

You know damn well, because it was you that reported my post, for your information I have also reported your equally racist post, the one that forced me retaliate, in the first place.

But I do not hold much hope of it being removed, because you yourself have labelled yourself 'non racist', yet I as everyone knows is a 'racist'.

This label I now carry has been awarded me just because I am not scared to criticise 'black folk' (as many describe them) along with any other colour if they so deserve.

I wonder how it would have been, if these trouble makers at the races had been Black, would certain ABers be making the same criticisms, as they have against these 'White Folk', I don't think so do you?

So one could say that this whole thread is a blatant racist attack against 'White Folk'.

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