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david cameron is at it again , what a (insert bad word )

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bambikyle | 13:17 Sun 19th Jun 2011 | News
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That's completely different maidup....
ummmm.....It's what you accused me of in your 14:03 post though! lol
I didn't accuse you. I asked you....
He is a family man, and i think the intent is that its better to be good parents, and support your family, but many chaps do not, as more and more young women are having children where there is no input from the father, maybe the girls want it that way, or he is on the dole and can't support them. After all its the state that picks up the tab, the taxpayer in other words.
em10 - how do you figure that out. I was a single parent and the state didn't pick up my tab...
This is nothing new, he showed similar concerns way back in 2009, but then he was echoing the words of Barack Obama it seems.
The situation can work bothways.

But the blinkered Tories know nothing, they assume like every other blimkered politician. stigmatise everything that they are against or cajole with crumbs.
ummmm but sadly many do. My mother ended up as a single parent simply because my old man was a violent b....... and she did everything for us. Worked, looked after us, the home, with help from gran, which did make a big difference, you had lots of entended family then, uncles, aunts, and neighbours who would help out.
Some do, some don't. All the single parents I know work...except one, who's child has health issues.
ummm he was referring to the men who leave when the child is on the way, or when told of the pregnancy. Those who pay nothing for the child that they helped create. And even if the woman works, she still might get nothing from the dad.
This is the problem with David Cameron's statement - it is so sweeping that it tars everyone with the same brush. He talks about abscent fathers rather than irresponsible fathers, as if thay should all be stigmatised. Its so backward thinking I can barely believe he's said it.

We all know that there are plenty of responsible as well as irresponsible fathers and many more who are victims of awful situations. Our Prime Minister needed to recognise this, it was a lazy and inconsiderate statement.
Let's stigmatise bad mothers as well.
And anybody else we deem to be bad.
Comparing absent fathers with drink drivers you can only presume he means the irresponsible ones. If a father has contact with his child/ren, and pays for them, he can hardly be considered absent.

My mum and dad split when I was dad was far from an absent father.
Yes...let's do that samak.
well at least he said something, and i am sure deep down he believes that there are men, and some women who are feckless and do not care a jot for the children they produce.
Very true em and he would be right.
Where then do those who send fathers off on ill-conceived foreign adventures for who knows what end and never to return fit into this new blameology?
The man is blundering about looking for any diversion from his already failing policies and this one pushes a few buttons.
That would be missing the point...
-- answer removed --
This was discussed on sky news this morning. They were inundated with emails from fathers who could not see their children because of vindictive mothers.

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