Don't know the answer to the question but, as a point of pedantry, there has been lots of talk here of "marriages" and "weddings". Same sex couples cannot marry of have a wedding. Instead they are limited to "civil partnerships" - a different thing entirely.
Similarly the definition of "divorce" (and I'm pleased that AOG placed it in quotes) is "the dissolution of marriage". Same sex couples who have undergone a civil partnership and who wish that partnership to be dissolved have to apply for a “dissolution order”.
Although the effect of both these procedures is similar to the procedures in which heterosexual couples take part, it is important not to confuse the two. I note that there has been increasing use of the terms "marriage" and "wedding" when referring to civil partnerships. If care is not taken the same thing will happen as has happened to "railway station", which seems to have disappeared in favour of the entirely inappropriate "train station".