Confused - has that question actually been raised when applying for an allotment?
Personally, I wouldn't be surprised, because I would expect a standard number of general questions (age, sex, marital status, income, number of kids, period of domesticity), all of which would be useful in determining who gets an allotment.
Say if the Allotments Officer were gay, and all the allotments went to gays and lesbians - using their own records, the council would be able to identify and rectify the allocation process.
Same if all the allotments were going to women or men, or the over 60s.
Everyone paying Council Tax should find part of their rates coming back to them in services.
If I lived in an area which had 75% of residents over the age of 70, then I would not expect the council to be spending money building and refurbishing youth clubs...for example.