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Is it racist to bar him from our country?

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anotheoldgit | 11:23 Wed 03rd Aug 2011 | News
14 Answers

Should this man along with maybe his sons, be allowed to join his wife in Britain?

Taking into account that they have lived apart for six years, because his wife managed to gain access to Britain after moving to the UK on a passport she obtained when she lived in Malawi, Africa.

So it doesn't look as if they have actually been close in their marriage, it looks as if he now really wants our welfare state to look after him in his advancing years.

/// His wife Rashida, 54, has begun a court challenge funded by legal aid against the rules, which are aimed at ensuring immigrants can integrate into British society.///

/// Mr Chapti said he was confident his case would be successful and added that hoped to bring one of his sons with him to the UK.///


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"Is it racist to bar him from our country?"
Nope - it has nothing to do with race
I think we have already debated that story


Why not post on the Accrington Pakistanis and the 17 year old girl?
his attitude is appalling and hardly going to endear people to his plight.... personally that alone would make me bar him entry...

but in terms of the situation, it seems to be hes been happy enough as he is but now hes looking for an easy old age...

hes contributed nothing to this country - nor has his wife, but is probably expecting to get a pension and to be taken care of in a care home or similar
He is 57 years old - that is not old
If they let his sons in, they could support him.
Dont hold your breath sandyRoe.
Question Author
/// Why not post on the Accrington Pakistanis and the 17 year old girl? ///

Feel free Gromit, I think we should know these things.

If I post on it I will only be called racist, not that I am bothered, but I though I would give you a chance, I know you would be first to post if it happened to have involved a Tory MP.
"speaking to the daily mail in his remote village"

he seems to have a very articulate grasp of the english language.
Or a good interpreter...
Some years ago a Labour MP for Slough advocated an open door policy for immigrants so someone circulated his home address to various immigration agencies. As a result a number of migrants turned up at his front door which was firmly slammed in their faces.
May I suggest that the Chaptis knock on the doors of a few Lib/Lab doors they will be sure of a welcome. Judging by the posts there are a number of ABers who would be happy to take them in . How about Blair he has 4/5 big houses which could house 100 migrants .
Good post modeller ...
Blair could accommodate a lot more if he got shot of that missus of his.
Though this is a serious question and was debated at length before, isn't it time sometime actually said this is more than absurd. She has lived here for six years, a couple of the sons live in Africa, why on earth should be be allowed here, no English, nor any intention of learning it, as said he isn't old, and it sums it up when he said there is no need to learn English when there are plenty of people who live in Leicester who speak good gujarati.
well I find it enlightening to discover that the Dail Mail have to travel to a remote village in India to find a man who actually does carry the beliefs they are trying to pin on every immigrant or potential immigrant - that's assuming the interpretation of his words was unbiased.
its old enough ric.cor not to want to live in a mud hut anymore if he can have a home here and possibly a pension or some state assistance

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Is it racist to bar him from our country?

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