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Will this matter get a favourable debate?

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anotheoldgit | 11:35 Thu 04th Aug 2011 | News
61 Answers

Since the e-petition attracted 100,000 signatures there must be a large number of people in agreement on bringing back capital punishment.

Why is it that Right-Wing are the most interested for it to be re-introduced, but generally it is rejected by the Left-Wing?


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I think that is true, starbuckone - the secret services would quietly execute. Technically the UK can not hang/execute now, under the 1998 act and also with the EU HCR. However, the UK still has the death sentence on its books pertaining to colonial law and there were cases last year in the Caribbean where the local courts gace the death sentence but then were repealed under the guidance of the Privy Council.

Hence my short provocative tease before.
gave not gace
100k is an infetesimal proportion of the population(.0016%)

However I would be in favour of brining it back for certain crimes, however you would have to be 100% certain that the condemed are guilty, this would involve degrees of murder which would lead to the question, if your not 100% certain how is he/she guilty and it still wouldn't stop travestys.

I don't think that hanging can work, in a decent democratic society. What should happen is life means life not 25 years or such.
And what about Derek Bentley who should never have been executed. All right, so he received a post-humous pardon but a lot of good that did him, poor little devil!
oldgeezer // Whilst if we had a real democracy we'd discover we are still be a primitive enough people to have a death penalty. One of the rare advantages to not being so is that occasionally those in charge do the morally right thing despite the majority opinion. //
How would you define democracy then. ? What you are saying is that 600 MPs have the right to override the wishes of the 50 million who elected them.
That makes a mockery of the word democracy ( For the People by the People ) . Are our MPs ruling by divine right ? 600 People who have the wisdom denied to the rest of us.
Nowadays they have little or no more access to information to make a judgement than we do.

They also make it very difficult to express ones opinion . Have you tried to sign a petition on line ? It is poorly advertised and if you do get on the site up comes error and not available messages.
If HMG was genuine they would ensure that our views could easily be expressed. In reality they don't want to know .
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/// I saw a web site sometime back that estimated the number of people the USA executed but who were innocent, it is in the region of 1500. Almost all poor / black/ uneducated or all 3.///

I don't know where you found that informative web-site from, even to state that they were almost all poor / black/ uneducated or all 3?

I have done a search and come up with these statics,

/// A review of executions taking place between 1901 and 1973 found compelling evidence in 27 cases that indicated that the executed inmate was probably innocent.///

/// To date, DNA evidence has exonerated 217 people from death row.///

Only 27 cases in 72 years, and not defiantly innocent, only probably.
Capital punishment for treason was abolished in 1998.
To answer your question rather then rant on about my belifs, I dont think the left are against it.

A few right on wooly liberals are but go talk to a hard core labour voter in the North and you will find many want it.

It's just that the liberal 'elites' have infiltrated politics and shout loud, they do not represent the left nor the majority of the people, they despise democracy and shout down abuse or slur anyone dissagreeing with them.
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Yes it would seem that the question of the return to capital punishment (not hanging that it has been called on this site) has a vast variety of views both for and against.

So perhaps we should now change tack and ask "since we elect politicians to carry out our views, and the fact that they state they are 'listening', is this type of e-partition a good way of making them aware of our concerns"?

What other items should be up for an e-petition?
I don't know if I am for or against capital punishment but I would say that it mat be a deterent. People carrying knives and guns and being prepared to use them has increased significantly over the past 40 years. As for people murdering more than one if they were faced with the death penalty, how is that different to facing life imprisonment. If you kill one or twenty, it's still life.
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/// but I would like to know what the circumstances of the release were.///

It was stated that she was coming to the end of her 14-year minimum tariff.
it will be debated, not favourably as many people are against the death penalty, and that includes i reckon most politicians.
As a goalkeeper in a previous era (never had the speed to be a winger), I would say that it will get a hearing and as per usual the MPs will vote the way THEY want, not what their constituents want, and any motion to reinstate the death penalty will be lost. Personally, I would lock them up, don't give them any privileges and throw away the effing key.
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Thanks for that, I must admit I do get rather confused with all correct political terminology, 'Left', 'Right', 'Liberals', 'Fascists' 'Communists' 'far left', 'far right', 'right on woolly liberals', 'liberal elites', 'tree huggers', 'sandal wearing yoghurt knitters'.

To name just a few.
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/// it will be debated, not favourably as many people are against the death penalty, and that includes i reckon most politicians. ///

/// Commons leader Sir George Young – writing in today’s Daily Mail – says Westminster cannot ignore this popular
groundswell. ///

/// Priti Patel, MP for Witham in Essex, said: ‘Polls have consistently shown that people want a debate on this, which is quite frankly overdue.///

/// ‘People aren’t happy with the current system. Without a doubt, I would favour restoring capital punishment for the most serious and significant crimes, like child murders. For me that would be unquestionable.’///

/// some Conservatives are signalling that they will vote Yes.///
Isn't it somewhat ironic when you consider it, where a number, who knows how many of our elderly folk die of cold, neglect, hunger, and few people really wonder why, yet we wring our hands, and mop our brows, over whether to bring back a punishment for the truly evil, like Sutcliffe, who have shown no mercy nor care for their victims, makes you wonder where our priorities really lie.
It's said that Lord Goddard, the Lord Chief Justice, would have an orgasm as he donned the black cap and read out the death sentence.
If the death sentence is ever reintroduced we would want to make sure that the judges didn't have any ulterior motives.
There are a few around here who wouldn't have any qualms about saying, "You are hereby sentenced to Death."
em10. It is possible to be concerned about more than one issue at a time. Nobody should die of cold, hunger or neglect and there are many charities trying to support and promote welfare of the elderly. It is not ignored.
Just to call for the death penalty seems a bit vague. Obviously only certain categories would come under the juristriction. Even then we'd need to be pretty sure that those convicted are truly guilty and how you would always get the truth is problematic.

Maybe initially it should be brought in for terrorists. If not caught in the act they love to brag about the deaths they have caused so not too difficult to get a conviction.

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