That link refers to 'expecting and preparing for'; it doesn't say that it's happened yet.
Neither the CNN nor BBC news websites say that it's happened, and a 'News' search on Google doesn't show any recent press activity in that regard.
However most analysts (for example on BBC Radio 4, BBC World Service and Russia Today) all seem to agree that a downgrading of the USA credit rating is almost certain to happen in the near future.
Yes its only S&P who predict a downgrade, Moodys think they will keep it. As this news only came out about 20 minutes ago there will be a a lot of turbulance in the next few hours.
But is anyone really bothered? I mean, apart from merchant bankers and those dealing in bonds etc.
I really can't see it being a life changing experience, so I wonder what all the fuss is about?
It may be the first item on the News this morning but I don't know anyone who is remotely interested. It's hardly a huge topic of conversation is it? I wont be chatting to friends over coffee this morning about the USA's credit rating.