Nice to know not all Londoners are rioting and looting. Not that I thought they all were you understand, it's just a little feel good story out of this utter carnage.
still wrongy (shortened your name- far too long to wrap my head round) I wouldn't defend my property against any mob, whether it be rampaging youths, housewives or homicidal grannies. My first priority would be myself and my family, bricks and mortar means diddly against that.
jno, doing your bit are you, getting the dust pan and brush out, and coming to London, unless you live here already to see the mess, and get your hands dirty, yeah i believe that
/// a lot of people out there helping, apparently. Of course registered ABers are allowed to sit breathing fire and inventing cruel punishments all day rather than actually doing anything. ///
What are you actually doing then jno?
Cleaning up the streets or sitting breathing fire and inventing punishments?
Good for Ray (which one is he ?)
And the rest of course. But I can understand the belief that those who made the mess should clear the mess, rather than the good guys being dumped on again. Can't see it happening though.
jno some people just talk the talk, but that's it. No i won't be cleaning up the city streets, there is more to come of this i suspect for one thing, and it's not a question of not participating, more that the feckwits who did this should be the ones getting on their hands and knees and clearing up the mess they created. Hell will freeze over before that happens im sure.
since you ask, I did go to see whether our local shops had had any trouble (as it seemed at one stage last night they might) and offer help; but there was no violence and no damage.
So, em and aog - how about you?? Doing anything or just producing hot air?
jno already said no twice that i wouldn't, for a start the Salad Chefs have wrecked a number of local shops, those would be cordoned off for the time being, whilst police do their investigations, plus the glass that's everywhere, hot air, no common bloody sense. If you live in the capital then go out on the streets and remonstate with the rioters, those that are still there, and see how far you get.