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Should the cuts to the Police Force still occur

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Gromit | 14:04 Wed 10th Aug 2011 | News
6 Answers
The Government plan cuts to the Police service to save money.

- Is that wise after this week?
- Will that leave us exposed to more criminality?
- is it a false economy?
- Or does everyone have to take their fair share of cuts?

Do you agree with Red ken livingstone?


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Yes agree with Red Ken, we should be recruiting more police, but preferable from members of the armed forces that have been made redundant.

But it is not only the question of numbers, independent of the numbers, their rules of engagement should be altered.

Out should go the Political Correctness aproach and the police should not be afraid of taking strong action when it is required, no matter what particular group might be offended.

The police have had to fight with one hand behind their backs for far too long.
Given the inability to stop the riots, or prevent them in the first place, maybe they need a 100% cut, and we can find someone else to perorm the function.
I agree with Old_Geezer
I agree with AOG

Given enough cuts I guess they get bankrupted.
I totally agree with AOG!! Well put!

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Should the cuts to the Police Force still occur

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