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Cameron to alter the rules of sucession...

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Kayless | 09:42 Fri 28th Oct 2011 | News
24 Answers
Well obvioulsy all the serious propblems are sorted so he can divert his eneregy to this irrelevance! Why mess about with something that doesn't affect anyone?


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It is not retrospective.
Both the succession rule and the "no Catholic marriages" rule were long overdue for reform.
Well I for one, in these straightened times where people are losing their jobs, struggling to pay their bills and in some cases struggling to put food on the table, am pleased that the females in the most cosseted, privileged family in the world, need no longer worry that if they are the first born they will not become the monarch.

Hip Hip Hurrah.
I am not a fan of Royalty, so I have some sympathy with the idea that time spent on such issues might be a diversion for the Parliament - but...

Reforms are well overdue, simply to reflect modern day life.

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Cameron to alter the rules of sucession...

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