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Royal Family doing interviews

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flipnflap | 20:42 Wed 02nd Nov 2011 | News
13 Answers
I watched Wills n Kate doing an interview today. i know they, and especially he, have done quite a lot of interviews now, but it doesn't ever seem right to me. I can't recall ever seeing The Queen doing an interview and I think maybe I respect her all the more for that. Perhaps I'm just old fashioned and should move with the times, but I prefer Royals to stay schtum other than making speeches. Does anyone agree? I suspect not!


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bit like this?
i think they can be quite interesting, and i'd like to see more of kate, but yes i agree the queen can be more enigmatic keeping quiet! x
Wills isn`t the monarch yet though. Princess Ann has done plenty of interviews to highlight charities over the years. Maybe they just wanted to highlight Unicef which is no bad thing. The aircraft that is taking the aid to Nairobi was volunteered by a UK company so maybe that is why their trip is a bit more high profile.
I agree flip. The royals should remain separate to the rest of us. If they start telling us about what they want for breakfast they could end up on the Piers Morgan Interview and treated like all the trashy celebs.
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i think i'm right in saying that President Obama guested on a US chat show the other day. That seems wrong too. I don't want the Pres to be just another celebrity. Mind you, I also think sports stars should never talk publicly. So many times I've admired the way they look and perform, then been deeply disappointed when they've opened their mouths. Starting with a certain David Beckham...
She did some sort of family thing once though didn't she - can't remember what it was - but it was designed to take us into her family life and let us see what it was like. Many years ago, but I am pretty certain about it.
I guess the modern medium for royals/presidents to engage with the public is TV. Heaven forbid they resort to Twitter/Facebook though.
Prince Philip presented his own TV show way back when...
the queen doesn't, doubtless because she's the queen. I can't see why non-monarchs should keep off the screens, though.
President Obama is an elected official so he needs the exposure. The queen does not.
The Royal family should be confined to seeing their heads on stamps or bank notes. Seen and not heard!
Charles is the most voluble royal, expressing opinions which have upset many establishment figures.

The subjects he chooses have served to create an image in the mind of the man in the street as slightly eccentric. A right Charlie in fact!
The Queen's reign started in a very very different time and culture from those which will be inherited from her successors.

Hand in hand with the belief that the monarch should always be at a distance from the people, was the absence of media outlets that we have today, so her stance was accepted, and has continued to be through the passage of time.

Charles is very much a product of traditional royal upbringing, with duty first and foremost, and a discomfort with the media inherited from his mother, and even more so his grandmother - the Queen Mother never gace an interview in her life.

William and Kate, live comfortably in an arena of mass communication, where contact with each other is easier than it has ever been, and in keeping with that change - and the lives they will have led prior to monarchy William and Kate will be far more comfortable and accepting of the demands of a world's mass media. They are far more savvy about the image they present, and will probably do much to modernise the image of the monarchy - which may or may not be a good thing - only time will tell.

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