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owdhamer | 21:42 Wed 30th Nov 2011 | News
8 Answers
Am i losing it or not, im sure there was a thread re public sector strike.
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There are several on the go but have just noticed that Kayless' one has disappeared somewhere, is that one you mean?
Kayless' post has probably been deleted due to his ineloquent use of language.
i wondered why there were red faces all round, i only switched it over for a nano second, don't think kayless is that bad..
probably find it was removed because it was annying some lefty strike sympathiser. I don't think I used any profanity so I can only assume it was the subject matter that someone found a little uncomfortable.
I seem to remember that I had asked Kayless if he thought the public sector performed any useful purpose. I thought that maybe the disappearance of the entire thread was some sort of symbolic reply on his behalf .. :-)

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