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sp1814 | 15:54 Sun 18th Dec 2011 | News
99 Answers
Is this a uniquely British disease?

Why don't we see blacks, Asians, French, Australian, Muslim, Chinese etc etc behaving like this?



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"Why don't we see blacks, Asians, French, Australian, Muslim, Chinese etc etc behaving like this?"

well it must be common place for them not to report it or have a TV show... dedicated to them 'booze Ozzie' or something similar.
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Thank you for answering my post rather than trying to avoid the issue. It's easy to avoid the issue by saying "Oh it's not only us", but I have definitely seen an increase of what an only be described as 'drink-fuelled hedonism' in that past ten years that literally didn't exist when I was younger.

Could it also be that a Brits have a higher threshold for embarrassment than in the past? One that exceeds their continental and worldwide peers?
Also, the Muslim faith does not allow alchohol. According to my workmate who is from Australia but of Oriental extraction she can't tolerate alchohol. I believe this is due to the use of tea (ie boiled water) when water quality was bad. Rather than in Europe where beer was drunk even by children. The French introduce their children to wine at an early age and thus there is not the danger value as in our culture. As for Aussies.....I have no idea!
Give it a rest sp1814
The introduction of 'popular culture' alcoholic drinks is also to blame.
It was hard to get bladdered on Cherry B's and Babycham in the 70s, now alcoholic drinks are nicely flavoured, strong and marketed very well, targeting young women in particular.
These young women no longer drink half a lager and blackcurrant, or a lager dash, it's designer vodka, vodka and more vodka that comes in stylish bottles.
I read recently that france have serious alcohol issues at the moment
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I'm willing to be a year's wages that no television company would bother commissioning a programme about young Muslims out on the booze.

Perhaps it's a cultural thing - here's a the UK at least, blacks and Muslims tend to go to bars rather than pubs, because dance music is a much bigger social thing.

Those who DO drink, are actually forced to drink less because of the prices that bars and clubs charge as opposed to pubs,
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Shhh Scottben. If you've nothing to contribute, then contribute nothing.
Most Muslims don't drink do they? They amuse themselves in other ways.
though according to this article, france have dealt with the problem
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Excellent point - and you know want...the timing works out pretty much the same. The first 'alcopop' that I can remember going on the market was Two Dogs back I the early nineties. I was working in the city of London back then and remember the number of girls getting as mullered a the blokes increased month by month from about 1990 onwards.
You're quite right sp1814, I have nothing to contribute on a clearly racist thread, so I'll leave you to it.
Anngel123, Islam may forbid alcohol but I know plenty of Muslims that imbibe, just as I know Catholics that use contraception, Sikhs that eat beefburgers, Christians that are homosexual and Jews that enjoy a bacon sarnie.

Every religion has its share of 'ultra moderates' or lapsed observers.
Don't rush to judge based on a few photos taken out of context with photo editors picking the "juiciest" ones . I am sure many thousands had a great time without getting drunk or causing problems .
I remember when Hooch first came out...It was so sweet it would make you feel sick before it got you drunk..
Scott...fgs, racist? Nowt to do with racisism unless you want to play the racist card. See it for what it is, the change in society here in the UK and NOT for the good. Would take so much to revert to what it used to be that it can't be done...morals are shot and people just don't care! Racist?? Do me a favour!
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Some (not me) might conclude that you're been foolish to post that, since I quite clearly opened a thread which is about British drinking habits, not 'white people's drinking habits'.

You understand the difference between race and nationality, don't you?
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hc...I would go so far as to say "hypocrites"....people who use their religion to suit themselves not as they are meant to be (abide by their rules...)

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