Being disabled is not something anyone wants to be. To get a blue badge here where we live, you have to be in receipt of the highest rate of DLA mobility allowance and that in itself is not at all easy to get! AOG - You have no idea how hard it can be to do ones shopping when each step is painful or you don't have the balance or the energy / stamina you need etc. But the shopping needs to be done as, believe it or not, even the disabled have to feed their families and themselves! I have often had to leave the supermarket with only a small part of my shopping done, as I was in too much pain and exhaustion to carry on! And often I am aware that people do not realise how difficult it is for me, as I try to look "normal" and make every effort to live my life as actively as I can. If you saw me on a good day, you would probably be one of those people who would complain that I was not disabled enough to have a blue badge. But look a little closer and you will find that my medical history includes a long list of problems which mean I live with a lot of pain, from a broken vertebrae in my back, a fracture of a vertebrae in my neck, severe irrepairable nerve damage in my back and legs, a bone spur on my spinal column that is constantly pressing on my sciatic nerve, two replacement knees, osteoarthritis in most of my joints, including my hands etc etc. Oh, I nearly forgot ... I have also had bone cancer! So, next time you feel you need to judge what disabled people can and cannot do, think again! You are judging something you know nothing at all about!!!
And Joeluke, we do not insist on free parking in pay and display car perks! In fact, in ours here, we do have to pay!!