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Toby570 | 08:57 Wed 18th Jan 2012 | News
14 Answers
The Indonesian Government are prepared to go to such extraordinary lengths. There must be a safer solution, how do these people get on to the roof in the first place?
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do you have a link please
that was not there when i started to type :)
Question Author
Yes, sorry, I forgot.
not that difficult i would think, every time you see a programme about India and the railways, there are hundreds of people who travel on the roof, sure in this case they could find a better way.
i have just had a good business idea ,

mobile shop selling motorbike crash helmets outside stations :)
Aye, maybe they are hoping a few fatalities will stop most. The hard core being the ones to dangle over the side.

If the train company did their job properly then the surfers wouldn't be alllowed there in the first place: but we knew how authorities have problems with clear thought. So much easier to spend public money on balls to knock folk off of a speeding train.
Since we have the highest train fares in the world, how is it that riding on the roofs of carriages hasn't caught on in this country?
As the weather is so poor, AOG. Folk ride under the carriage in the trolley wheels and undercarriage.
AOG, i would think that the first casualty of riding on a train roof would cause such a mess it would likely deter the most hardened train surfer.
Perhaps that's the idea.
AOG, the tunnels are too low.
There have been underground train surfers, why i couldn't tell you, but a more dangerous way to travel i can't imagine.
Don't our trains travel at a faster speed than they do over there?
chrissa, indeed, if you look at programmes that feature any train chugging through the countryside in India, they are going so slowly that no one falls off, here they would do a Mary Poppins and disappear without trace.

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