It suits certain media interests to report such crimes in this manner, as AOG has shown in the past two years, this has happened about 5(?) times concerning a group of Asians, however all, that I have seen, have been in the north and I am unaware of their religion.
Now are these the only instance of gang rape against a minor in the last two years I wouldn't have thought so but maybe AOG is being selective or possibly the paper he reads.
By targeting certain communities the media actually move away from the central point, which is that certain “people” feel that all woman are available, no means yes, and all women are "bitches" Any woman not a mother is "fair game". Who promotes these appalling stereotypes, why , in various guises, the media of course.
As long as society allows these prejudicial views of women, this will continue, by stereotyping it as a "race" crime you avoid what needs to be addressed.
I think its time some people thought for themselves and didn't allow others to stir their prejudices with the moral panic that they wish to instil.