It is like the Butler inquiry, intended to take so long that the public get bored. However, by meandering it has exposed that Cameron was in bed with Brooks and Murdoch. You dont need to be a genius to spot that Murdoch's swap from supporting Labour to supporting the Tories was the result of assurances that the Tories would support Murdoch. It shows that there are serious, structural problems with British politics.
The biggest structural problem is that the electorate sees themselves as "Labour" people and "Tory" people. This means that any nasty group can mount a coup within the parties and become the government of the country. The parties are empty shells that serve as cover for the corrupt and extremist.
Blair and Brown and gang (see ) took over Labour in the 1990s and Cameron and Osborne and cronies took over the Tories in the noughties. Both coups occurred with Murdoch's support.