If you seriously think that everyone on the Republican side is jumping up and down with glee, you are sorely mistaken. I have heard almost the exact same insults used against Jerry Adams and Martin McGuinness by discontented republicans as you have used about your government, and if it was all this one sided jamboree then you'd hardly be getting an increasing rise in sectarian violence again would you? The situation is that neither side is truly happy but an accord has been struck by right minded men of both sides to stop the killing and stop the spread of hatred to another generation. In my perfect world Ireland would be united but I would rather compromise and end the violence than have my children live my experiences all over again and their children after them, and I imagine most people would prefer not to lose their sons to a civil war they wanted no part of. In my opinion the GFA is the best thing to have happened to the north in a very long time, and so what if we all had to compromise, it beats killing each other.