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Did they deserve this vitriolic attack?

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Snafu03 | 12:02 Mon 25th Jun 2012 | News
68 Answers

It is usually ill advised to stand up for what you believe in if it upsets the stamping ground of the left. Have this rather naive couple deserved the level of abuse that has come their way?


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Ummmm I don't deny that, but they are putting there head above the parapet, it cannot come as a suprise.

However you are quite happy for them to roadcast a bigoted message? If they turn up next week with a 500,000 signature petition advocating the genocide of gay people, youd be quite happy with that.

How about if someone came around and said your son can't get married to a ginger haired woman. what would be acceptable?object to?
Quite agree Ummm.
I'm not following this. What is bigoted about objecting to a meaning of a word being changed. It initially described a ceremony where a couple consisting of one of each gender, and potentially able to create a new generation, being now used to describe an unnatural relationship between two of the same gender ? Rather than bigoted it seems to be more the inevitable reaction from those who value the original meaning to me.

Still seems to me that insisting the meaning is changed can only be an act of spite on the part of those who wish to offend those who object.
Joko demostrates perfectly the bile of the left when someone has a different view.
ok so they turn up at no 10 , what gives these bullies the right to abuse them.
the government will do whatever it pleases ( lib/dems permitting),
Oh boo hoo hoo.

Makes me sick that this couple have been subjected to what is effectively hate mail, but it makes me even sicker that those who sit idly by ignore the verbal, physical and political abuse of gays can suddenly perk up at a story of a straight couple getting the same kind of abuse that gays get daily.

The fact is, if you voluntarily step into the public arena, especially on such an explosive subject as this, you will inevitably draw the attention of trolls.

It's now a given.

What really irritates me is that when homophobic bigots attack gay celebrities, you won't hear a peep out of anyone whose posted on this story.

You have summed it up far better than I.
so you support the public abuse of people who don't hold your view sp1814?
I object to the petition, Dave. I can tell them that without wishing them infertility and cancer!
So who are the trolls on this thread sp?
'The bile of the left'?

You want to hear what some of the right wingers have been saying? That same sex marriage is one step towards bestiality?

The Pope is on record saying that homosexual relationships are more dangerous to the future of the planet than the deforestation of the Amazon?

There are so many, many more...

Do you think that bile is a one way street? Do you seriously think that right wingers and (let's not call them homophobes)...err...'people who are against homosexuality' simply proffer considered opinions, but everyone else is a raving loon.

Have you read what Jan Moir had to say about Stephen Gately?

Have you ever listened to the preachings of Catholic, CofE and Muslim priests/clerics?

Do you really think this is a one way street?

For pity's sake, gay teens are regularly bullied and persecuted to their point that they kill themselves, and this couple are upset over the comments of some trolls.


Is there any such thing as 'the bile of the right'?

Or is that the sole province of the 'left'?

I think you're reading what you want to read, rather than what I have written.

I wrote:

Makes me sick that this couple have been subjected to what is effectively hate mail...

The fact is, if you voluntarily step into the public arena, especially on such an explosive subject as this, you will inevitably draw the attention of trolls.

You followed up with:

so you support the public abuse of people who don't hold your view sp1814?

Can you see where you went wrong?
No's just bile.
OG Thats fine - Lets change the law you can only marry and indeed have sex if you intend to procreate. Everyone is happy then to have sex without the intention of having children would be illegal.

Thats why its bigoted, the people involved in this don't care about the libertys of those involved, they just want to stop them doing something, why? What harm does it do? Religious people are stunningly selective in what they choose to use from the bible so I expect to see petitions on the following very soon:

No more eating pork products Leviticus 11:7-8

No more Haircuts and you must grow a beard Leviticus 19:27

No more horoscopes, mediums Leviticus 19:31

No more gossip Leviticus 19:16

No Tattos Leviticus 19:28

If your kids argue with you they must be put to death Exodus 21:17

Divorce oh no never Mark 10:11-12

No work on the sabbath Exodus 31:14-15

Women speaking in church never Corinthians 14:34-35

No fish Deuteronomy 22:20-21

You may not wish to see it a bigotry but what it is, is hypercritical. You would always wish that any argument could be conducted in a civilised manner, but some people just aren't civilised and some of them have their names on that petition.

Excellent post. Christians (I can't speak for Muslims or Hindus because I don't know the contents of their holy books) are INCREDIBLY hypocritical when it comes to quoting from the Bible in support of their attitudes to homosexuality.

It's almost Christians take the word of the Bible as a buffet, where they can pick some stuff and ignore others.

Preaching against homosexuality? Nice and easy...tick

No pork products? But I've got a lovely leg of pork in for this Sunday! Untick

SP, I was referring to your support of Joko's earlier comment, where he/she said they deserve everything they get (presumably for having an alternative view). Is that not the case?
No one deserves to be the target of such vitriol. To wish death, cancer, infertlity on individuals,merely because they hold to an opinion different to yours is hateful, and says more about the nature , imagination and intellect of the person posting.

To attempt to equate such behaviour as being the exclusive province of the liberal left however, as several posters here have attempted to do, is , frankly, pathetic and untrue. Viciousness, hatefulness and trollish behaviour, something it seems encouraged by the anonimity afforded by the internet, crosses the political divide, and is equally on display from all sectors of your political belief.

And in any event, gay marriage is not really a political issue - its a cultural issue.

It may be me - but I can't find where joko has said that.

I've scanned the first page and the second page of this thread and cannot see it.

Here's the thing - opponents of marriage equality are, through their actions, affecting the lives of gay people negatively.

Supporters of marriage equality are not affecting the lives of any straight couple.

Can you imagine Julie and Peter in 2015 considering getting married and then changing their minds because 'gay can get married too'?

It just doesn't make sense does it?

Moonrocker - I don't know if you're married, but would your vows be devalued because Simon and Jonathan, a gay couple from your workplace, decided to tie the knot?

If that's you also find that marriage is devalued by straight couples who get married and then split up after a hours (Britney Spears) or days (Kim Kardashian)?
It's almost Christians take the word of the Bible as a buffet, where they can pick some stuff and ignore others.

Of course they do, sp1814. You call it hypocritical, I just call it flexible: you take what you want to help you lead a decent life. There are plenty of people who'd never dream of stealing a book, say, but think nothing of taking a ball point pen they see lying around (this would include me). Hypocritical or just normal adaptation to modern life?

The only people who believe every word of the Bible are fundamentalists, and they make up a fairly small part of Christianity. Probably a higher proportion of Muslims, but certainly not all of them.

It may not always have been like this (though actually, I bet it was); but it's the way we live now.

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