A very reasoned post Quizmonkey (not)!
So, because I don't like Phony Blair I'm a tory-licking fascist or, at best read papers of that ilk.
Leaving aside the fact that Tory has a capital "T", I have relatives who fought against fascism in both World Wars, as I suspect I would myself, although I'm not 100% sure I would risk my life for any political ideology, given the paucity of believable statesmen these days.
I can assure you that I have never licked a Tory in my life, at least not to my knowledge although, were she quite attractive I might, as long as she bought me a few drinks and flattered me a bit first.
I see no evidence of rabid posters, only a rabid response in defence of a man who took us into an illegal war, costing many young men their lives. Add in the state of the economy when he left then I think that is enough for starters.