With what is happening all over Europe, in Greece, Spain, Ireland and so on, can we "afford" another Labour government.
"Socialist governments" (assuming you call Labour socialist) are very good at giving money away, and in the current climate we cant risk having another government that gives money away.
For example the PFI scheme (introduced by John Major but used extensively by Gordon Brown to build hospitals and so on) is costing us all a fortune.
Some NHS trusts are using a fifth of their funding to pay back the cost of PFI schemes.
Gordon Brown used PFI to "pretend" he was not borrowing as much miney as he really was (PFI means an external companies builds something then the government pay them back over time).
This is just one example of how Labour's extravagant spending put this country into so much debt, and we cant risk another Labour governemt dragging us down to the same situation as Greece, Spain, Ireland etc.
I am not saying everything the current goverment is doing is right, but at least they accept the problem and are trying to do something about it.
Labour would just get back in power and start spending and giving money away again, putting us in further debt.