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Barmy uK immigration laws

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Gromit | 09:25 Sun 02nd Sep 2012 | News
46 Answers
Surely dithering Dave needs to step in and help this man?

// Prof Tulloch, 70, who traces his ancestry here back to the 14th century, was born to British parents in a British colony. He has a British wife, children and brother. He was raised and educated in Britain from the age of three, has substantial assets and property here and has lived or worked in the UK for most of his life, holding a series of posts at British universities. He even held a British passport.
But now, his passport has been confiscated and he faces expulsion from Britain in the latest bizarre twist in this country’s “Kafkaesque” immigration laws. //



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Except that the cat wasn't the reason he was allowed to stay. The Home Office Appealed the decission but a a second judge ruled that the main reason that the Bolivian could stay was because of a technical error by officials.
which ever way you look at that case or others, many are getting away with staying in Britain, for no valid reason. The chap you mention may well be caught in the net as per Sandy's post.
/// After taking a position in Australia and receiving citizenship status, unbeknownst to him, his British nationality and right to live in Britain was automatically cancelled.///

Although born in India of British parents he chose to take a position in Australia and then take up Australian citizenship, so that made him no longer a British National.

/// What Prof Tulloch was unaware of was that as he was born within the Empire but not in Britain, he is a British subject but not a British national. ///

I wonder what Sir Cliff Richard is?
A Puer Aeternus?
This is just another example of the modern idea of inflexible procedures. People aren't allowed to use discretion or initiative let alone common sense; the procedure tells them what is to be done and therefore that's what gets done. We'll soon be like the chinese and russians were, unable to make any decision that the state hasn't dictated.
Seems like we are sleepwalking into a nightmare with our immigration laws - We should be able to set our own rules and not have to await the Human rights brigade to turn it down.
I think AOG has explained it well.
let's not drag Sir Cliff into this, bad enough when he opens his mouth to sing. AOG, explanation seems succinct.
We let garbage into this country on a daily basis , and have done so for nigh on 50 years without hardly a blink from the "authorities".

yet in this case the petty little bureaucrats have to make life difficult.

to easy to let him know the position and that they will sort it out asap for him, nooooooo, much easier to make him jump through a a few administrative hoops, meanwhile how many are getting in at the airports, ports etc on a daily basis and playing the system for all its worth ?!
How many is it then?
I can't believe the rubbish of that chap with the cat is still doing the rounds - wasn't that all put to bed years ago when Teresa May fell for that daily mail rubbish and mentioned it in a speech? Its simply not true.
I'd be quite happy if Sir Cliff was deported!

Far to many.
look at some previous posts, you'll find all the numbers you need.

But then you already knew that didnt you
It tells us how many folk are entering or leaving the country but I don't know how many go on to "[play] the system for all it's worth" so perhaps you'd like to say what that figure is.
IggyB, the links weren't from the Daily Mail - they were from the Telegraph.

The Corbyloon, The figure is irrelevant. One playing the system for all it's worth is one too many.
you can hold dual citizenship (British and Australian).
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Just because a story has been debunked doesn't stop people believing the original lie. It may also have been in the Telegraph, but more will have read it in the Daily Mail.


The fact that it led to a huge scrap between Theresa May and Ken Clarke and the whole 'catgate' bust up. The story was the proved to be untrue, but people want to believe certain stories. Anyway, that one was long since disproved, but apparently
// There are more cases like this //
Except there aren't.
Gromit, are you saying the Telegraph's report is untrue? I can't find a retraction.
nor can i, the deniers make it so much more difficult to feel anything for those genuinely caught in the net.
"so perhaps you'd like to say what that figure is. "

havent got a clue exactly, nobody has because of all the illegals, but on a hunch you can bet your last pound the figure over the past 50 or so years runs into hundreds of thousands probably a few millions, theres something for you to chew over and try and debunk, refute, twist distort etc etc, have fun

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