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Muslim Riots: Just Thugs With A 'Cause'?

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Kerosene | 17:18 Fri 21st Sep 2012 | News
71 Answers

Can such conduct really be justified? Is there really any discernible difference in these rioters to those whose behaviour blighted our cities last year?

Aren't all of these kinds of individuals not just waiting for a supposed 'excuse' to indulge in extreme lawlessness, blatant destruction of property, widespread and flagrant thievery, arson etc ?

What possesses anyone to similarly, so say, 'protest' in such vile and reprehensible fashion even in democracies such as ours?


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Is the world watching? that is the purpose, the UK will be next & sod all will be done about it, & before you start, NO I am not racist but will more or likely be called one by a few.
My analogy was more that many occupations suffer.

As for "Both are religiously based examples of intolerance - this thread, as I've tried to explain, is angled more towards the futility of rioting in the first place? For whatever reason".

Haven't you answered your own question?
Last year's UK riots started when the police shot someone and the story given out did not tally with eyewitness reports. The result was that the police were targetted for attack and then businesses. The following riots were copycat events by petty criminals.

In Pakistan, the United States is deeply unpopular. A US film maker produces a film that mocks people of one particular religion. So they attack US targets to show their displeasure.

So no, there are no similarities at all.
NI protesters not only want to demonstrate they have hate which goes on to commit murder. The city rioters probably had a just cause and nobody was murdered.
How is it it's only them clowns in dresses that disrupt Towns / Cities?
Gromit, but they’re not just attacking US targets. They're destroying their own communities and killing their own people. See my thread here.

"NI protesters not only want to demonstrate they have hate which goes on to commit murder. The city rioters probably had a just cause and nobody was murdered."

A very naive take on a very complicated situation pdq1. Yes, hatred is behind bigotry, but lots of uneducated people have been led astray by unscrupulous politicians on both sides in God's own country. They engender a feeling of disenfranchisement and lead their, "constituents" to believe the other side is getting something that they aren't. This foments rioting and the mrching season is an embodimoent of this. The recent riots, unusually, were caused by a republican march, but imagine how the unionist politicians portrayed that, and this comes from a nominal unionist?

As for the city rioters, you must be having a laugh? Opportunists looting shops have higher moral ground do they?
Does it encourage these rioters when B.Obama &
H.Clinton apologise to them.
Would they even be aware?
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"Last year's UK riots started when the police shot someone and the story given out did not tally with eyewitness reports" So, that's fair enough then, is it? The Lord help us!

"the story given out" by whom? It was on every news outlet within no time at all, for a start. So what?

The stupidity of this post is laid bare by the fact that the deceased was indeed armed with a loaded firearm and was shot dead by Police marksmen.

Perhaps some on here would have preferred yet another Officer to have been gunned down in the line of duty?

There was NO justification for rioting - fact.
Keroscene, your just wasting you breath on here, some will think different, but to some that READ, you get to know the details.
Duncer my post of 18.13 indicated that they put me in mind of uneducated schoolchildren. Obviously they have been indoctrinated into the Muslim religion, and more than a few are defending the faith in the customary manner, murdering and wrecking Islamabad in the process. Where are the reasoning cogent mild Muslims to talk to them? (btw it is not necessary to repeat my post or anyones for that matter in your response.)

Karachi has hundreds of Cinemas. The ones showing US films were targetted. It is likely some were also US owned.
I quote things to show exactly what I am referring to, that's all.

I agree they are childlike, but not that they are Muslims as such, or not the Islam as I knew it when I worked in the Middle East. More the uneducated and brainwashed.
But where do these idiots look for help I wonder? would it be India?
Mor likely Pakistan; India is less Muslim, more Hindu and Sikh.
They're still destroying their own communities and killing their own people - and burning cinemas isn't exactly going to make an enormous impact on the US government. It's crazy!
Sorry, my last was to Gromit.
Agreed, destroying your own community is stupid. But mobs tend not to behave rationally.
I have worked with the said Religion in my last employment, they used to call me, & I used to call them no problem, how is it it's the only religion that kicks up sht when they are called P----S? I get called Taff, the scots Jocks, the Irish Paddy, the polish, Pols, do we take offence? the indian people do not have a problem in the UK, every other religion do not have a problem with the UK, If the scroungers have a problem in the UK, what the fck are they doing here? if there own country is as good, great as Allah has said it is, why is it that they are here? would it be because of the good life? the benefits? a better standard of living, for god sake if you don't like the place do what the Oz Prime Minister said, If you don't like it here & criticize our Law & the way things work, Izz off, Simple.

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