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Who would you believe ?

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bazwillrun | 14:19 Mon 24th Sep 2012 | News
22 Answers

one lot , a bunch of public servants that lie an awful lot ... or another lot , a bunch of public servants that lie an awful lot !

According to the top police honcho dealing with it, its not the fact he may have called the copper a pleb, he says "we're pretty thick skinned", its the fact mitchell is calling the police liars


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// Wakey wakey Plod do lie //

Of course they do when they're got a reason.
What would be the reason here?
I actually don't care, it's such a storm in a teacup that it belies belief the fuss that's being made over it. The man is rude, I expect the copper was too to elicit such a tirade of abuse, but they are both individuals as well as being what they are in their job capacity, and sometimes people say rude things to each other- I don't think it's necessary that we assume this man represents government opinion in his free time, he was riding his bike, get over it.

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