All I can say to those who will try it: You can do it! Just don't give yourself that option of having just a puff and when you feel you can't stand it anymore go and brush your teeth for three minutes. It was one of the best things I ever did.
You used to smoke 'in utero', daisy? That is an early age to start!
Seriously though, good luck to all those who are honouring 'Stoptober'! I will be thinking of you all the time. They say you are 5 times more likely to give up for good if you can last the whole 31 days. Why could they not have chosen February instead? You would have to last 3 days less then!
I have stopped many times before, for periods ranging from 3 months to a year. I always start agin when I start to put on weight. This time will be different though!
I didn't bother with the quit kit FGT, I am using nicotine patches that I bought a few months ago and promptly shoved in the cupboard and forgot about. lol