/// And is that perceived moral decline the perception of old age; the old have been saying that for thousands of years; or is it supported by incontrovertible evidence, aog? ///
Not wishing to be rude Fred, remove those rose tinted specs and see what is going on around you.
One doesn't have to depend on the Daily Mail to witness what is happening, go into your City's main streets and anyone can see similar goings on.
Other evidence being the increase in teenage pregnancies, children growing up in household that have seen numerous different 'Dads' come and go, the decline in the number of couples getting married etc, etc.
Although I will admit that religion has a lot to answer for, if you watch documentaries on the way religion has held together the human race, and the way it has been created in every part of the earth, by different gatherings of Man who had no contact with each other, one has to admit that although the system wasn't perfect it worked.
Why else did it take on?