New Judge, //naomi. I dare say they can show equally valid evidence that the practice of raising children by same-sex "parents" is equally unacceptable. After all, if same-sex marriages are frowned upon then raising children in same-sex marriages must be equally abhorent.//
I think you’re missing the point. As far as I’m aware there is nothing in scripture to say that two people of the same sex cannot raise a child – in fact, when the books were written, I don’t believe that prospect was ever a consideration. However, scripture specifically forbids sexual relationships between people of the same gender. Hence, religion has no demonstrable argument against same sex couples raising children, but it has a very definite, and from its point of view, a very valid argument against same sex marriage. If religion is to continue to benefit from the deference and protection it has so far enjoyed, I really don’t think it will be possible to introduce legislation that forces religious organisations to conduct marriage ceremonies for same sex couples - simply because it is in direct contravention of doctrine – and religion has evidence to prove it.