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Should the titles of Mr & Mrs be scrapped?

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anotheoldgit | 09:11 Fri 26th Oct 2012 | News
101 Answers

Once again it seems that some wish to remove the words Mr & Mrs from official forms and paperwork in case they offend the transgender community.


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used to be Leslie was a boy and Lesley was a girl, same for Robin/Robyn. Male Hillaries are more often Hilaries. But there are no rules, Mrs MccFluff.
I was Mrs before I had the sex change - or was that Mr and then Mrs afterwards?
oi thats professor mccfluff to you
My mums name is Frances.
I think the male version of that ummmm is Francis - nice name.
I'm sure anyone with the surname Bates will be glad if they drop Master !
Imagine being in Germany, as a woman and a professor and doctor in your own right and married to some of equal qualification, your title then becomes
"Frau Professor Doktor Professor Doktor (Schmidt)"
when I worked in Scotland in my youth, my job title was Clerkess. Weird.
LOL, just read this thread, you certainly attract em don't you aog.
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/// They seem to manage quite well.......usually with the insertion of 'Kaur' or 'Singh'to denote the difference. ///

Thank you for that information Jack, have you any idea if anyone is trying to get rid of those titles also.
i actually want to be called mistress

its goes well with my surname :-)
Mistress ................. "something between a Mister and a mattress"
very good Builder!
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/// when I worked in Scotland in my youth, my job title was Clerkess. Weird. ///

Are you sure it wasn't "Clueless"?

Joke, Joke, Joke. :0) :0) :0)

I am only kidding and do not wish to offend you.
Whiplash ?
No I haven't.

But why would they?
Mine was "Yer Sassenach B-astard"
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/// I doubt if either of us were surprised that the OP was ignorant of that fact. ///

There you go again with your usual obnoxious type of reply.

And here was me thinking that you had changed by supplying me with details of Sikh names, and for what I thanked you for.

But then since I have not got a Masters Degree in Indian/Asian names along with the majority of other ABers, it should come as no surprise to anyone other than yourself, that I was ignorant of those facts.
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/// LOL, just read this thread, you certainly attract em don't you aog. ///

Like Flies round a Honey Pot, like Flies Round a Honey pot,Tony. :0)

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Should the titles of Mr & Mrs be scrapped?

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