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Are these 'plebs' purposely picking on our MPs?

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anotheoldgit | 12:05 Sat 27th Oct 2012 | News
25 Answers

/// "He thought he had an extra week and as a circumstance, he was driving with no insurance. It was in a file on a to-do list. He forgot. ///

That is strange since he had already told the police he had no insurance.

/// "When he was pulled over, he said 'sorry I don't have
insurance'". ///


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I just have trouble distinguishing between AoGs serious posts and his humorous ones. The use of smileys might help for those poor benighted ones amongst us, like myself, who by AoGs standards have had a sense of humour bypass :)
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It is not only a sense of humour some of you are lacking, but it is also a complete loss of logic it would seem.

But I have made a decision that in future I will not waste my time or energy in bothering to try and explain things, that I consider an eight year old would manage to work out with no problem whatsoever.
I will try again,
What does your post @ 13:16 have to do with a motoring offence?
@AoG I will leave it to others to decide who has a greater command of logic and critical analysis.

I think it illuminating that you regard explaining things as a waste of your time and energy. Strange attitude to take in a discussion forum - a position lacking logic, wouldn't you agree? :)
The intruiging thing is that he was only banned for eight weeks. For the offence of No Insurance Magistrates can either award points (minimum six) or impose a disqualification for the single offence (in which case no points are awarded).The report says he was awarded six points which makes him a "totter" ans so liable foe a minimum disqualification of six months.

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