@Khandro - There have been lots of discussions around the principle of free speech, free expression and where the lines are drawn, and more importantly how you police such expressions on the internet.
It is also undoubtedly true that you get some individuals posting with the malicious intent of causing harm or serious offence, purely for the sake of it.
So, some people have suggested removing the mask of anonimity from the internet - that all forums and platforms where people can post have a requirement to establish the ID of the the posters, so offensive material can be tracked back. I have some sympathy with that idea, and would broadly support it.
Anonimity can be important though, since it empowers those unable to express themselves because of fear of political or cultural or religious reprisal. And thats the problem. Allow those who wish to censor offence to police the internet, and that offers a route by which bloggers and commentators in places in the globe where human rights are disregarded are effectively gagged through fear of reprisal. Do you want that?
Broadly, States, Religions, Individuals should grow a thicker skin.And I would far rather a world where people got offended than one in where commentators were censored or worse.