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Blimey is he now saying we would have been better off if we had lost WW2?

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anotheoldgit | 17:12 Fri 07th Dec 2012 | News
29 Answers

Perhaps Mr Cameron and his like, should first compare our politicians to those of the Germans, instead of blaming our industrialists?


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I wonder where he learnt to do that!!
After the war we nationalised everything of importance from the mines to ship building complete with their antiquated equipment and labour laws, as a result we became trapped in the past, whilst Germany with the aid of the Allies was able to start again from scratch. There was a great feeling of rebuilding for the future. They succeeded spectacularly it became known as
Das Deutsche Wunder . They created a new Nation for the future whilst we were largely still living in the past and still are to some extent.
If living in the past prevented genocide then it's not such a bad thing.
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/// Think you are completely off it on this one - where did Cameron sat that we would have been off if we had lost WW2 or is it you just trying to be controversial for the sake of it? ///


/// I can see no inference regarding the outcome of the Second World War. Once again you've twisted a story for your own skewed view of the world. ///

Can't some of you understand, my reference to WW2 was just a humorous play on words, encouraged by these words, DAVID CAMERON: BRITS NEED TO BE 'MORE GERMANIC'

You really must learn to read more deeply into things, instead of just taking them so literally.
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Does anyone know how much German banks has lent to businesses (not the ones that default)?
'have lent'
Interesting comments of our Dave, train more mechanics etc, why, there are very few jobs in industry. Industry is bumping along the bottom right now and as been for the last few years.
//Can't some of you understand, my reference to WW2 was just a humorous play on words, encouraged by these words, DAVID CAMERON: BRITS NEED TO BE 'MORE GERMANIC'//

aog fails to understand that there are two valid strands of thought here; comparisons between the current workforces UK and German; and the question of how our manufacturing bases diverged after WW2

//You really must learn to read more deeply into things, instead of just taking them so literally. //

It appears that the contributors to this thread thought a lot more deeply about it than the OP

aog - perhaps you 'really must learn' to take responsibility for the lack of clarity or cohesive thought in your own posts instead of blaming others.

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Blimey is he now saying we would have been better off if we had lost WW2?

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