I still have not seen any convincing argument as to why MP salaries should be raised.
I imagine those favouring an increase are not in favour simply because they think these 600 or so individuals are especially deserving, so what is the argument ,and where is your evidence that increasing the pay to the levels suggested will somehow be transformative to the quality of politics we get in this country?
I do not believe that politicians, from any part of the political spectrum, engage with politics because of the financial remuneration it offers. They are motivated principally by notions of public service, or changing the nation for the better, or for power - increasing the salary will not change this motivation, nor change the type of candidate we get for the role, in my opinion.
And frankly, they are taking the proverbial when they state their desire to keep a final salary pension.
An MP currently has a salary of £65K a year, non-taxable unreceipted allowances to the tune of around £5K a year. Average Expense claim, covering virtually all travel and other associated expenses, is around £35K per year, with some claiming nearly £90K.
All MPs get around 100K a year in allowances to run their parliamentary office. Many employ spouses/ kids as assistants, further increasing the household income.
If an MP becomes a junior minister, that salary goes up to around £80K a year; if they become a cabinet minister around £140K a year.
All their travel, all their cost of living expenses whilst in parliament are all effectively reimbursible - they scarcely need to put their hand into their own pocket to cover any day to day expense, unlike most people - all of this at the taxpayers expense.
And if they do elect to spend their own money - well, if they do that in the rather well appointed bars and restaurants within the House, its all subsidised for them - again at the taxpayers expense. Should an MP lose their seat at a general election, once every 5 years, they are given a resettlement allowance of anywhere between 50% and 100%
What the US pays its members of congress, or Japan pays its representatives is irrelevant.
Given the average wage in this country, and all the allowances, perks, pension benefits and expenses an MP can claim, I see no justification at all for increasing their salary.