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Could Domestic Violence Be The Cause For Gang Crime?

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anotheoldgit | 13:09 Sun 13th Jan 2013 | News
48 Answers

/// Mr Sutherland said the problem with gangs is not pertinent to a specific age group, neighbourhood or ethnic background. ///

If this is correct, why is it that gangs are mainly made up of young people, mainly in certain neighbourhoods, and of black youths?

/// "It's a whole-society problem that demands a whole-society solution." ///

At the moment it is not a 'whole society' problem, but could become one, unless some of these 'Experts' took off their 'rose tinted specs', and addressed the real problems.


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All caused by Lead poisoning then?

How come that for years in the past children have played with lead toy soldiers and drank their water supplied through lead piping?
AOG, //African-Caribbean gangs were described as the largest group, followed by south Asian and white gangs.//

That’s from a different link – and it still doesn’t highlight one specific group.
Am I right in thinking the majority of persons using this site are late 50s >>60>>70 +? to the O.P. can you remember if the street trouble was as bad then as what's going on today? can you also remember back chatting your parents & if you did, what was the out come? was their respect for the Seniors? was there thefts from the elderly to the extent as it is today?
I remember street trouble. If I didn't see the fights in person then I could watch them from my window. It happened every weekend without fail.

Because of the amount of trouble it was the first place in town to have CCTV installed.

This was in the 70's and 80's.
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/// That’s from a different link – and it still doesn’t highlight one specific group. ///

Yes that may well be, but it is all regarding London's Gang crime.

Regarding your suggestion that it doesn't highlight any specific group, I think the following:

"African-Caribbean gangs were described as the largest group":

Covers that particular point quite adequately.
If the largest group were white would have even posted this thread?
Just a point, If you have Sky, look at the street crimes, car crimes, muggings, Murders, then come back with your views!!!!!
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/// If the largest group were white would have even posted this thread? ///

And why wouldn't I? If white gangs were causing the same problems in London that the black gangs are doing, I would certainly highlight the point.

But why censor the news just because it shines a bad light on a certain group, if this was the case then the news would not have reported that there had been another gang rape on a bus in India?

aog,the reason you said " gangs are mainly made up of young people, mainly in certain neighbourhoods, and of black youths" was to contradict the speaker's statement that the problem was not pertinent to age group, neighbourhood or ethnic background. Now you say that the reason you said that was because the conference was in London and you were seeing it from a London perspective.

It was called "Tackling Britain's Gang Culture". Next time a conference on Britain is held in London, will you read that as being about London too, rather than Britain, aog?

Has it occurred to you that the number of black gangs may be proportionate to the number of young black people living in an area? Therefore that there are more black than white ones is only to be expected? (Have a look at the map)

And why do you think arguing from a London perspective and citing London makes the argument valid for Britain?
And why wouldn't you? Because you rarely post negative things about white people.
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They can hide under any pretence they like all in the name of political correctness, as was the cases regarding child grooming gangs by Pakistani men.

We all know that the real concerns of gang crime circles around London, hence the special police squad to investigate the almost daily stabbings etc,

Do we hear the same being reported on such a scale from other areas of England? Or do you also believe that this is a pro-white conspiracy also?

/// Has it occurred to you that the number of black gangs may be proportionate to the number of young black people living in an area? Therefore that there are more black than white ones is only to be expected? (Have a look at the map) ///

If this is the case and taking into account that in Britain the white population is greater than the black one, one would assume then that there would be many more white gangs causing such problems than black?
aog: they have, and they've grown up violent. (Some historians think the real cause of the fall of the Roman Empire was lead poisoning from their pipes.) I'll be interested to see if this theory proves correct in another 10 years or so as young people grow up without bodies full of lead.
Perhaps aog you would care to produce evidence that there are disproportionate number of black gangs in all areas and the whole of Britain, rather than pick one city, where in any case they may well not be disproportionate, and use that as "proof" that it is true of the whole of Britain, rather than dismissing the complaint, that to do so is illogical, by talking of political correctness.

To argue from the specific to the general is an obvious fallacy here. That you do so does nothing to remove the suspicion that you are more interested in blaming non-whites for the nation's ills than in raising a genuine concern. That's a pity, because you are at pains to remove it.

They go from partner to partner, conflicting their violence on each in turn.


Where did you read that? Is this well known, and is it specific to black men?

Would you say it's a small number of black men, travelling from be relationship to another, beating women up? Or is it a more widespread problem?
If this is the case and taking into account that in Britain the white population is greater than the black one, one would assume then that there would be many more white gangs causing such problems than black?

Would you say that gangs are a bigger problem in areas with a predominantly black population?

Could it be argued that sectarian violence in Northern Ireland is gang-based?
Yes the mothers in those days were left to cope with wartime conditions alone, which included the rationing of food and clothes and seeing that the children got to school, even after spending the whole night awake during an air raid.

Weren't they the children who grew up to ruin the UK ecomony in the 70s, what with their unofficial strikes, inflation-busting wage claims and general strikes?

How come the wartime generation grew up this way, unlike the Germans and Japanese?

Bad parenting or greed because of rationing and the early 50s austerity measures?

"Why were there not the same problems with the children of those families during WW1 and WW2, when the 'father figure' was missing for years, and in some sad cases forever? "

Looting from bombed-out homes - and in some cases stealing from the dead - were endemic during the blitz. This is a matter of public record - there are thousands upon thousands of recorded prosecutions for looting. There are also testimonies from numerous contemporary shopkeepers in more than one city who described looting as more damaging to their business than the bombing. These were not extensively reported at the time because it was felt (quite reasonably) that it would damage morale.

A while ago on another thread I wrote a very long post detailing all this, with links and citations. You ignored it.
Silence speaks
Silence screams
Silence talks louder then any word
that cuts true the heart like a sword.

Silence speaks
Silence screams
Silence echoes in my ears
to my eyes it brings tears

Silence speaks
Silence screams
Silence drives me around the bend
what's the problem i don't understand

Silence speaks
Silence screams
Silence is a weapon of your choice
To cut trough my heart
Like a sword
with out saying a single word

Milica Franchi De Luri
what is somewhat different now is that some of these gang members carry guns, which are a damn sight more dangerous than the knives that were once used. Two young people were killed in a London borough on the same day recently, both died by gunshot. Many are caught in the crossfire of inter gang rivalries, where drugs are prevalent, those dealing are the ones who don't seem to care who gets hurt
my memories when young, for what it's worth is violence, but the fisticuff type, men having a brawl on a friday, saturday night, having had too much to drink, not nice but rarely were there fatalities.

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