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New Citizenship Test

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jake-the-peg | 10:03 Mon 28th Jan 2013 | News
28 Answers
How to use a train timetable is out

Knowing Stonehenge is in Salisbury is in

What would you put in amd why?


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I don't know who any British comedians are, Khandro (except George Osborne, of course), and am generally out of touch with popular culture, and yes, there is a gap between me and the UK majority; but it doesn't affect my ability to live and function in Britain.
10/10 in about 30 seconds far to easy.

I would ask questions such as how many MP's are there, what is the national speed limit. How do you get from A - B. Describe democracy. Describe womens rights in the UK. If you spend $42 in a UK supermarket how much change do you get from a $50 note (yes a trick). What sport is played at Murrayfield. Which industry used to be prominant in the Welsh vallys. What is Storemont

Oh and I would make British cizenshio compulsory for anyone who wanted to live here
jno; //I don't know who any British comedians are,// You hoist yourself by your own petard; if so, how did you know Spike was a comedian ? ;-)
Question Author
Did you know Spike Milligan was Irish and not British

He became an Irish citizen in 1962 after the British government declared him stateless.
I think a good starting point would be to issue them all with a booklet setting out a knowledge of the UK, with details of it's people, it's laws, it's customs, it's culture, it's religion etc, etc, some thing similar to those issued to the forces of WW2 upon entering a foreign country.

Then set them a test to see if they are aware of these matters.
Khandro, yes, Milligan was Irish as far as I know. Maybe at some stage he was counted as British because he was born in India? I'm not too sure.

try not to be a complete and utter **** all the time have a day off.

When i said language i meant to be able to speak it to a certain degree of proficiency , but then you knew that.
like a lot of people online, I type for speed not accuracy, its not a spelling and grammar test on here, except to the people like yourself that love to twist and distort everything and find any excuse to duck and dive from the main issue.


Unless the test constantly changes, these people will just memorise answers beforehand and spew them out parrot fashion,from prepared cheat sheets without even understanding what they are saying, all with the help of their awfully friendly and helpful immigration "solicitors"

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