OG, you didn't mention cwm and oolitic limestone ! (Which comprise the whole of my gleanings from Geography)
Since the introduction of the exams, the grades achieved in GCSEs rose every year until last year. Patently the exams are not hard enough.
Were we better educated? Only in that we were required to know more and in more depth; the exams were harder and less susceptible to teaching to the test. But we did abandon subjects, whole areas of knowledge, at 16, to specialise. (It occurs to me that, as a result, I could read Newton in the original Latin but not understand the slightest bit of the maths!) The true 'Bac' would go some way to avoiding that (not that Gove proposes it), because students are compelled to read and learn more widely and for longer. New Scientist complains all the time, and with good reason, that our MPs and leaders are woefully ignorant about science.