a further example of creeping political correctness?
or a genuine attempt by a public body to be inclusive to all - as well as recognising the situation seen regularly on the continent, particularly at motorway services....
some years ago i was at linate airport in milan, during yet another utility failure that had closed the female facilities, resulting in everyone using the male toilets. the queue for the cubicles went past the urinals and out of the door.
2 business types were at adjacent urinals discussing the microcosm of italy that is linate airport. one said "doesn't being watched by women bother you?" to which his colleague replied "nah, we're British. The inch has been revalued....".
Failure of female toilets or not,my daughter regularly strides into the mens' when the queue for the ladies' is intolerable. She is not alone. I have witnessed this in London, where she lives, more than once, but on no occasion was the woman older than 30, at a guess.
I can imagine that given it's only a couple of miles outside Brighton, it's avoiding any sort of gender issues.
I really don't see the problem thought, the toilets at our railway station are for anyone, they have a man and a woman on the doors - as do the toilets in trains - where's the fuss about that?
It's the name, not the toilets that's the issue. Gender Neutral instead of Unisex is ridiculous. Smacks of political correctness and doesn't exactly trip off the tongue like Unisex.