Lottie, you make a great play of women’s body clocks naturally preventing them from having children as they get older:
“I agree with Ratter, but would extend the age upwards. I don't think women should have children after nature does it's work to stop them having children…”
“There is a natural clock that stops childbirth. “
Quite so.
There is also a natural process that prevents women who do not want to copulate with men from having children. You suggest that IVF should not be made available to overcome the first of these natural barriers but you seem to believe that it should be available to overcome the second:
“Their rights [lesbians] to fertility treatment should be the same as hetrosexual women in my opinion“.
So what’s the difference?
It may surprise some people but nature usually has “method in her madness”. It is fairly clear that older women (generally, let’s not go into rare exceptions) are perhaps not best equipped to bear and rear children. Similarly nature may well have a reason for determining that two people of the same gender are also not best equipped to rear children.
There may be an argument which suggests that infertility is an illness which perhaps should be treated. However, we are constantly urged to accept that being homosexual is a perfectly natural state of affairs, not a deviation, and something which is not “caught” and needs to be treated. One of the manifestations of such a natural condition is that those so inclined cannot have children. They should no more expect to be “treated” by a publicly funded health service than I should because I would like to be seven feet tall.