i look at your last response and am horrified at your naivety, why are asian and white not working together in those communities you mentioned, where is your social cohesion, and if there are asian gangs, where is their work ethic so beloved of our leaders reasoning when they tell us that they are all so well behaved, educated and fit in. What i see is this, that many well educated white people have left Britain for good, skills we undoubtedly need, yet we are importing more and more without good skills, or any skills, if you think this is such a great country why do you live elsewhere. I watched a programme last night on employment in Britain, where young well educated graduates can't get jobs, or are having to work in part time employment to make ends meet. That jobs for women are now likely to be part time, not necessarily because they want to but because full time employment is hard to get. One woman was working three part time jobs for heavens sake because her and her husband are struggling to keep afloat. This is the reality in Britain, we don't have a shortfall in skilled workers, we have a shortfall in jobs. I see the fallout from the policy of open doors, all around me, it's not pretty, not nice, and has had a detrimental effect on many decent hard working folk, who see their country being trashed by ever increasing economic migration, by politicians who don't give a damn, they don't see what we do, your response is absurd, more people here, just what we don't want, not until they sort out the economy, and the jobs and housing market major problems.