I think, come the general election, that people will pay more attention, when placing their vote for their local MP to what usually motivates them - National issues that might affect their pocket, them or their family, and local issues, like schools, garbage collection etc.
UKip still have to make the breakthrough at a local level -only around 100 councillors spread around the country - to be seen as a true party of protest. But, they could get there, because the simple message - EU and immigrants bad- and the solutions they offer - withdraw from the EU and implement strong border controls and more restrictive barriers to immigration - are simple-sounding solutions.
And these issues will resonate, all the more so at a time of austerity ,when even the trade and business case for a strong EU looks shaky.And I went and took a look at their 2010 national manfesto again just the other day, and they do have policies for the other important areas of governance.
Some of their ideas seem potty, to me, but there are issues there where they share a goal and a method with the other mainstream parties.
So, come a general election in 2015, I do not think they will do very much better than they are right now, but the european elections could be another story altogether. We could end up being having virtually all our MEPs drawn from UKip, a party that has no base in local or national government, which would be rather odd.
And, newish parties need time to grow and develop, as do their policies. So not much in 2015 - but, unless the major parties are seen to engage with these significant issues, like immigration and the EU, they could do much better in 2020.
For anyone interested, UKip manifesto link below;