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who is an anti Romanian neo nazi?
Stand by for lift off!

Have a look at the GDP per head of these official candidates for EU membership:

Croatia, $14,142
Turkey, $10,363
FYR Macedonia, $5,162
Montenegro $7,317

Only Iceland among the candidates has a GDP higher than the EU average of $35,185 and the UK figure of $38,811.

Not enough for you? These are the most likely contenders among nations clammering to get onto the waiting list:

Albania $4,020
Bosnia & Herzegovina $4,654
Serbia $5,725
Kosovo $3,534

So who do you think are going to be the prime beneficiaries of EU largesse (or more properly, the nations in the EU that make net contribution) following these countries joining the bloc? No wonder they are hammering at the door.

In ten years time when the nation is eagerly awaiting the influx of Macedonians and Montenegans the Prime Minister of the day will be eagerly explaining the measures he or she will be taking to prevent them plundering our resources. And the EU will be warning that to do so will have dire consequences. And the electorate will still be told that they will enrich our nation and that we cannot do without them as nobody else will pick the cabbages. And we'll be looking forward to the next lot from another place full of people who don't have a pot to urinate in.

What a bloody farce!
well that sorts it, we should move, because this place is finished.
Australia is waiting for you, em...

Well of course poorer countries want to join the EU, that's the whole idea. (And there's a good deal of enlightened self-interest involved in trying to build up export markets.) I don't know when the notion of trying to help those less well off than ourselves became so loathesome.
jno, too old, not enough money, otherwise here i go, but then again they have their own problems with immigration...
it isn't loathsome, however when the balance is completely out of synch then surely it doesn't take a massive amount of thinking to realise that some are having to shell out shed loads for some who have no way to contribute and make their own way in this world. We can't be the worlds dumping ground, we have as you may have noticed an economic crisis going on, and many of our own citizens are having a very hard time of it.
and this is not what the EEC was set up for, it was for trade, and now we have a totally different ball game. Do you think the German people aren't saying pretty much what we have been saying for so long, but then the grey suits don't seem to be listening to any of us.
plenty of cheaper places to go to, em - Uruguay, Rwanda, Russia (like Depardieu), Indonesia, Tuvalu, Mexico... unless it's possible that the UK isn't quite so bad after all?
jno, the French president and his advisers were responsible for not just Gerard Depardieu moving out of France, punish people so severely on tax, and they will find ways to avoid it. one foolish politician called him unpatriotic, he has made most of his films in France, and probably though can't confirm paid tax in France, so i won't be moving there any day soon. This is not about my moving, this is about more people we cannot support, with schools, housing, and jobs, if we have millions languishing on the dole, why are we allowing more to enter the country, especially ones who may not have the skills we may need.
Sounds good jno. Let’s get it clear:

We “build up export markets” with nations that have no money. Never mind, we’ll perhaps lend them some to buy our goods (even though we’ve none ourselves). But hang on a minute! These nations use currencies that are far less valuable than ours. No worries - we’ll get them to use the euro (as they will be compelled to do as new members of the EU). So we’ll have some new euro users in nations that are fundamentally broke. That’ll sort it. (At this point the former owner of a small Greek business - long since closed - steps in to offer a few words of advice. He is swiftly shown the door).

And it’s quite OK in your view for the likes of em10 to clear off and make some space for some newcomers who are basically unskilled and who have no money. I take it you’re quite happy to see skilled and self-sufficient people leave the country and have no objection to this exchange of population which is hidden by the “net” immigration figures with which the government deceives the electorate.

The UK isn’t so bad. But it’s fast degenerating into a low-skilled subsistence level nation with millions of people trapped in low wage low skilled jobs which the government seems keen to encourage by the constant import of cheap labour. The expansion of the EU to encompass the nations I have mentioned will perpetuate this. If you’re happy with that, fine. But I suspect there are a few people around who may not be so enamoured with the idea. And a few more (me included) who considers it utter lunacy.

Recent events have shown that the EU in its current form and the single currency as it stands are simply not fit for purpose. The only people who seem unwilling or unable to see that are the ridiculous politicians whose personal vanity will not allow them to see the death of their beloved "European Project"
and when the politicians day is done they won't be hanging around to see the fallout, they will have fled this country, or at least exchange their political jobs for cushy numbers in another country, take directorships that means not having to work hardly at all, rake it it, whilst the rest of us are left to see the wreckage of this mad policy,
NJ i can only congratulate you on your clear thinking, some seem to have blinkers on, and i do object to be informed that perhaps i should move someplace more to my liking, this country was to my liking, indeed love, until the vast forces of the EU changed that, and buried head in the sand politicians here in Britain decided that we should be the dumping ground of the world.
Just to put the record straight on Depardieu: no one has "chased" him anywhere. He threatened to move up the road to Belgium in a huff, and then President Putin gave him a Russian passport, but I think you'll find he'll be "largely" staying put,
The reason he allegedly wanted to move isn't going to happen anyway.

Anyway, do carry on:-)
well it looks like he went, 75 percent tax on your income if you are somewhat better off, typical socialist outlook
"I tend to come here often"

Rather suggesting he's on a visit. My guess is he'll be spending less time in Mordovia over the next couple of years than the two remaining members of Pussy Riot still in jail there.
As for not going for tax reasons, well, the planned 75% on earnings over one million (not quite the drastic fiscal blow it first seems although hefty I agree) hasn't been, and probably won't ever happen
I daresay the 13% tax rate in his adopted country may in any case be an attraction. Not sure what the residency qualifications for that are.
President Hollande said that anyone earning over a certain amount will pay 75 percent tax, so far so bad, when people leave, whether it's Depardieu, or not that isn't good, because they take all their capital with them. He has been making films for over 40 years, mostly in France, so why call him unpatriotic for wanting to leave, because as he said why punish hard work, the man who said it deserved a kick in the derrière or cojones.
Same old socialist principle, tax them till they bleed, then kick them when they are down.
Like I say, Hollande's plan is probably not going to happen. He and Depardieu had a very public falling out, Hollande made some incautious remarks, Depardieu flounced off (not a pretty sight I'd say), Putin stuck his oar in, since when the actor's been mixing with some fairly unsavoury characters and generally having his ego massaged.
So in this instance I'd say the tax argument is largely a sideshow.

French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault branded his decision to move abroad as "shabby and unpatriotic".
anyway this is totally off the topic, and to add that we shouldn't be welcoming more people who have no money, no home, no job to come to.
Well, that's his opinion on which I'm not in a position to comment.
What is HAS done, aside from any considerations of taxation or patriotism, is make rather a large ass of himself (so to speak)

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