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Is this typical Guardian reporting on some university scare tactic report, all part of the reason that some are a little slow in addressing this growing problem, in case they are also branded of being members of Far-Right organisations such as the EDL or the BNP?
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/// Criticism of Islam done in a rigorous way, however, does not equate to condoning the ignorant, thuggish and demagogic manner in which the EDL conducts itself. ///
So at least you do agree that Islam should come in for some form criticism, at least that is progress.
Now we are back to name calling, it is this that I take issue with, but first may I put it on record again that I am not a member of the EDL.
But it is your and other's regular insistence on name calling and abuse, which is not only on AB, but also by the Far-Left who are generally the instigators of any trouble that the EDL find themselves in.
Until I find definite proof that the EDL are calling for the extermination of all Muslims etc, etc, I will carry on speaking in their defence, but having said that I do not condone some of those who resort to violence, these being present in any group of protest.
/// Criticism of Islam done in a rigorous way, however, does not equate to condoning the ignorant, thuggish and demagogic manner in which the EDL conducts itself. ///
So at least you do agree that Islam should come in for some form criticism, at least that is progress.
Now we are back to name calling, it is this that I take issue with, but first may I put it on record again that I am not a member of the EDL.
But it is your and other's regular insistence on name calling and abuse, which is not only on AB, but also by the Far-Left who are generally the instigators of any trouble that the EDL find themselves in.
Until I find definite proof that the EDL are calling for the extermination of all Muslims etc, etc, I will carry on speaking in their defence, but having said that I do not condone some of those who resort to violence, these being present in any group of protest.
"So at least you do agree that Islam should come in for some form criticism, at least that is progress. "
If you could point me out a place where I've said otherwise, then I'd be grateful.
And actually, contrary to what you seem to think, criticism of Islam among the academic community is rich, frequent and diverse. Just because you don't know about it, that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
"But it is your and other's regular insistence on name calling and abuse, which is not only on AB, but also by the Far-Left who are generally the instigators of any trouble that the EDL find themselves in. "
There have been two EDL protests in the area I live in, AOG. I support the right of the EDL to protest and march - just as I support the right of those who oppose them. But don't you DARE presume to tell me that I may not call a group that behaves the way the EDL does 'thuggish'. I will call them whatever I damn well please. Because that's what I've seen in my own area, that's what's evident in pretty much every manifestation of them that I have ever read about or heard of, and that's what they are.
If you could point me out a place where I've said otherwise, then I'd be grateful.
And actually, contrary to what you seem to think, criticism of Islam among the academic community is rich, frequent and diverse. Just because you don't know about it, that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
"But it is your and other's regular insistence on name calling and abuse, which is not only on AB, but also by the Far-Left who are generally the instigators of any trouble that the EDL find themselves in. "
There have been two EDL protests in the area I live in, AOG. I support the right of the EDL to protest and march - just as I support the right of those who oppose them. But don't you DARE presume to tell me that I may not call a group that behaves the way the EDL does 'thuggish'. I will call them whatever I damn well please. Because that's what I've seen in my own area, that's what's evident in pretty much every manifestation of them that I have ever read about or heard of, and that's what they are.
Here are reports on two recent marches, one in Manchester and one in Cambridge, notice I have used mainly left-wing reports, nothing different to any mass protest, in fact much less violent than the past student protest.
http:// www.bbc .co.uk/ news/uk -englan d-manch ester-2 1644784
http:// www.gua rdian.c o.uk/uk /2013/m ar/03/e dl-marc h-manch ester-h andful- arrests
http:// www.bbc .co.uk/ news/uk -englan d-cambr idgeshi re-2157 2093
http:// www.cam bridge- news.co .uk/New s/Musli ms-on-t he-marc h-to-de fy-EDL- 2302201 3.htm
/// This is the second year running that the EDL has targeted our city and, while I recognise their right to protest, I want to make it very clear that they are not welcome here.” ///
Isn't that a rather hypocritical contradiction of terms?
He recognises their right to protest, just as long as it isn't in his area.
Here are reports on two recent marches, one in Manchester and one in Cambridge, notice I have used mainly left-wing reports, nothing different to any mass protest, in fact much less violent than the past student protest.
/// This is the second year running that the EDL has targeted our city and, while I recognise their right to protest, I want to make it very clear that they are not welcome here.” ///
Isn't that a rather hypocritical contradiction of terms?
He recognises their right to protest, just as long as it isn't in his area.
Members of the EDL have been identified as being involved in some of the growing number of attacks on Moslem women in the UK.
I really can't see how one can have any sympathy or support for them at all. They should no more be associated with legitimate criticism of extreme Islamism than the Nazi Party could have been regarded as reliable or respectable opponents of extreme Zionism.
I really can't see how one can have any sympathy or support for them at all. They should no more be associated with legitimate criticism of extreme Islamism than the Nazi Party could have been regarded as reliable or respectable opponents of extreme Zionism.
Personally, I would read his comment as meaning that while he supports their right to protest, he also supports the right of local citizens to display their contempt and rejection of their message. That is my own position and that of every person I know who has been on a counter-demonstration.
Again, I'm not really sure what the point you are intending to make is.
Again, I'm not really sure what the point you are intending to make is.
Here's one such assault on an innocent woman. Can't say what the motive really was.
http:// www.bir mingham mail.co .uk/new s/local -news/s olihull -man-wh o-rippe d-off-m uslim-1 88001