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Cyprus Bank Accounts

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rockyracoon | 16:04 Sat 16th Mar 2013 | News
31 Answers
Just seen on the news that a bailout package agreed for Cyprus includes a one off tax on bank accounts, €100,000 and over 9.9%, anything under 6.75%. Jeez, imagine if they did that here.


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Bad nights sleep then Grasscarp?
Well I have kind of got used to living in Brands Hatch'. except that I have been to brands hatch and they don't speed or rev engines like this every night. A bike went past the hotel at minimum 130 mph. I made a comment to waiter who just shrugged his shoulders. Nobody cares not even the police.
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Anarchy! Has your €20 lasted well ;)
Grasscarp. Nothing unusual there then they always drive at crazy speeds, wear no cash helmet, drive underage, pass red lights ,etc etc, has been like it for a long time, and probably will be in the future, however did hear last week that the police have been told to tighten up on traffic violations, probably to get a few more euro into the kitty. They sure will need it in the future.
Tried to pay with the 20 euro in the turkish part of the city (after he had tried to pretend he thought it was 10 euros and not 5 euros as it said on the rail). he refused the note but sent me next door to an Exchange and they were fine about it. He asked if I wanted Turkish money. No thanks.
Kjn I asked about the fact nobody does anything, and said surely some people must die. They said yes, people die, but the police prefer to lurk on the motorway and catch those doing a few mph over the limit!
That is so true, I know about a person who got find last week for not having the correct amount of yellow (it had faded) on his back number plate. Yes its the honest truth, whilst much dangerous violations happen every minute of the day.all they are concerned about are the easy pickings, on the spot fines, if its a go to court job then they are not interested.
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This is outrageous what Cyprus wants to do to its people.
Apparently service men and families that are affected Will be reimbursed by UK taxman but not others living there by choice or other temp workers...

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