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Who Was It That Said

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chrisgel | 20:53 Tue 02nd Apr 2013 | News
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We're all in this together?


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To be fair, it's not really Her Majesty's decision.
She is worth it. imo
Surely whatever responsible spin doctor knew as did everyone the line was ridiculous.
Some idiot politician. No names, no pack drill. But he doesn't have a clue how the hoi polloi really live.
please excuse the redundant 'the'.
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//She is worth it. imo//
There are people living on the streets in this weather. There are really genuine people who work and who are worried to death about how to feed their kids and pay the bills. Their are people receiving p**s poor treatment onthe NHS because it has been decimated.
Yet bankers can be paid millions in bonuses. MP's can fiddle their expenses and the queen gets a pay rise so she doesn't have to dip into her vast personal wealth.
And all you can say is "She's worth it"
Sometimes I despair.
Oh, 36 million is peanuts, and anyway the money that the Royal Family brings in due to tourism etc. is rather a lot more than that. Add to that the extra coverage it gives us, the fact that on nearly every overseas visit the Royals are well-received. They do us great credit to our standing abroad.

Divide 36 million between the people who really need it and they might get about a fiver each, which is hardly going to solve their problems. Benefits outweigh the disadvantages, I think.
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Jim -- I know all the arguments thanks and while I have never actually seen a breakdown of cost/benefits of the royal family and all it's hangers on I am prepared to accept the point.
My point is that every single day I read in the paper of more attacks on the low paid and even the middle classes. Have the Government/Royal Family no advisors to tell them how and when to release c**p like this.
It's rubbing the noses of the less well off in the s**t as far as I'm concerned and it proves to me and I'm sure a lot of people in this country that they are not valued in the slightest,
Sorry for the rant people, I'm afraid I've indulged a little in Scotlands finest and am feeling tired and emotional. ttfn
Well if you are complaining about the timing of the announcement, etc - well I suppose it is in pretty bad taste. But then I'd have thought by now we were used to this government U-turning, or timing press releases badly, or showing a general lack of competence.
Chrisgel you have a short memory. If you cast your mind back the previous government who gave away most of our gold reserves, gave immigrants free access to all our facilities and to anyone who moaned about needing money, it was theirs for the asking But all that generosity resulted in them leaving No.10 owing billions of pounds. Now we have to pay for the last Governments profligicy to help to pay back some of the money. The Gimmee gimmee days are over. People are being told either to work or put up with it. Nothing to do with the Queen, who imo does a good job for the country and she is worth it, if not only for the tourist industry. Immigrants need to be put back into the queue for our houses and jobs and benefits. Thanks to Blair the rise in immigration has ruined us. Our services, NHS, prisons etc are overloaded now and a good percentage are foreign criminals. I've had a glass of Ireland's finest chrisgel, but I don't do emotional. If some of the low paid and the ones on benefits got of their pooters and got another job, earned some money we'd all be better off. It's always hard going starting a family and maybe buying a house. I've gone through all that, low wages etc. and we didn't have benefits then, so it's nothing new. You just get on with it. Today everyone wants it on a plate. Tough sh*t. The wealthier, priviliged people will always be there, no-one is rubbing your nose in it, make the best of what you have and try harder.
Gran you're having a laugh.
Noth I kid you not. No laughing matter.
get of their poota, try harder, get another job, get on with it, everyone wants it on a plate, tough sh*t?
Very true Noth, haven't I just read that somewhere? Or are you feeling a little got at?
I could get of my 'poota' but I'd be left with nothing, perhaps that's what you'd like.
Try harder..Don't you think I've done all I can to find work, you annoy me, you really do.
Get on with it, get another job, where are these jobs? show me these jobs!
Everyone wants it on a plate, no I only ask to survive. Is that too much to ask?
Tough sh*t, thanks a whole bunch Gran. Thanks.

You know, sitting there as you are smug in your retirement knocking everyone else that are struggling...
I thought you were better than that.
Sorry Noth I didn't mean to upset you. I don't know your circumstances so I can't point you in any direction to find work except the Job Centre and local newspapers or supermarkets. One of my family was made redundant last year and it was really hard for him to find any kind of work, but OK now. Keep trying.
Perhaps you should have considered other peoples positions before you glibly posted. I didn't ask for directions or advice thanks.
..and before I go too far, that's it from me.
Tut tut don't be so sensitive ♥

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