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The Justice system is a joke

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gerry | 21:05 Thu 07th Jul 2005 | News
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There was an incident a while back about 2 woman that got into an arguement over a parking space.1 of the woman grabbed the other 1 by the hair & kicked her 3 times in the head.The woman that had been attacked died later in hospital.

The Court Case came to an end  yesterday & the accused escaped a jail sentance.This woman killed another woman & escapes jail.What's the world coming to?.I've heard of people being sent to jail for lesser things.

I feel sorry for the dead womans husband.He was totaly devestated by the news yesterday.



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I assume this occurred in the UK  the because here, there is no connection whatsoever between the law and justice. 

I suspect the circumstances were not quite as simplistic as you have related, but nevertheless, why am I not surprised by it??!!

The British legal system is the most incompetent in the world, miscarriage of justice in this country has been one of my interests for about 35 years, it isn't until you get involved that you can have any grasp of just how mind numbingly incompetent it truly is.

Sadly the above story isn't the exception it is the norm.

The "justice" system is a joke, a guy got jail a couple of years ago for shooting a couple of burglars in his house, how crazy is that? Our Judges are from another galaxy!

The woman died of an undiagnosed heart condition which was exacerbated by the fight.  Sadly, the line between GBH and murder often relies on small things and I don't think for a second that it was the intention of the attacker to kill the victim.

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Two women got into an argument.  Presumably the prosecution could not prove that one of them was more at fault than the other.  Remember that the police get no help in modern Britain, so if they did not see the incident, there is no corroborating evidence.  They probably did well to get the case to court.

The poor woman in question died from a heart problem which was undiagnosed and which meant that what would have been GBH became manslaughter.  I think the judge was right in this case - there was no intention to kill the woman and, horrible as the attack was, the injuries themselves would not have led to her death if she hadn't had the other medical problem as well.
The victim unfortunately died of a heart attack in hospital,  which was in all probability brought about by her being physically assaulted in the car park.
It was never murder, but in all honesty I have to agree that the sentence on the face of it does appear to be ridiculously lenient.  Can the prosecution appeal?   Without being aware of 100% of the facts it's too easy to jump to the wrong conclusions and end up confusing justice with our wish for revenge.
Sorry about the double answer folks! 
Our jails are full....judges have been directed to avoid custodial sentences wherever possible. This seems to be a clear case of the judge working on that direction. If you dont believe prisons full or things to that effect.
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While she may not have meant to kill this woman.She did still assualt this woman which resulted with the woman dying.I have heard of cases where someone is assualted & they haven't died but yet they are still jailed.

I'm not just talking about someone who has a criminal record already.

At the end of the day due to the actions of this woman someone died.The accused should serve some sort of sentance.

Sorry, have to disagree with most of this.

-British legal such thing. I believe this happened in Scotland, fundamentally different legal system.

-The law which applies is 'You take your victim as you find them'. The law for attacks on the person are there to protect people.  If someone has a heart condition, then that person deserves to have their life protected irrespective of the intention of an attacker. If you attack someone and they die from that injury...TOUGH! People are fragile. There have been numerous instances of this kind of thing in Scotland. A short while back a man was attacked..not extremely violently, by a group of youths. Another man went up to him afterwards, by way of 'bravado' to the group, and kicked the man in the back of the head, killing him instantly. If you kick most people in the back of the head in this way, murderous intent or not, you will kill them.

-I was discussing this case with a very high legal source in Scotland who told me that for any serious attack to someone else's head, brother, you are going behind bars. This news that the perpetrator, a deprived animal in this case, escaped a custodial sentence is surprising in the extreme.

Indeed I was under the impression the eggshell skull rule was still in effect in GB.

Anyone have a link?

Here you go, El:

'Out of character'. That's FINE! Just let me know when she's next 'out of character', I'll know to avoid her. Oh, and she's got remorse too! Phew!

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