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Another Excuse For Lawlessness

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Eve | 20:11 Tue 09th Apr 2013 | News
84 Answers
Seeing this, albeit in the Daily Mail, and more expected, especially on the day of the funeral, do you think this will be jumped upon as another excuse by some to get out and cause trouble:


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Shari....dood points that you make.

In life one does not always get what one "expects."

Indeed there will undoubtedly be " protests" and one of the functions of the Police Force is to maintain Civil Order irrespective of their Political alignment and hence a state of "readiness" will enforced.
sp....good points....;-)
Sharingan, // If we don't 'expect' people to behave badly and not as we would wish on some occasions- would you be so kind as to explain to me why we have the police force and prisons in anticipation for them doing just that?//

I didn’t say we don’t expect it. I said I don’t expect people who consider themselves to be civilised to behave in such a fashion – but perhaps these people don't consider themselves to be civilised - and rightly so.
\you either love her or hate her, but you should never forget the state the country was in before she came to power. The unions ruled the country through Labour. We had the 3 day week, power cuts, and strikes if the unions didnot get their way, and Callaghan was too spineless to oppose them. Those youngsters currently celebrating her death are the scum of the earth, and will riot at the least excuse. There parents should be ashamed of them, and the current austerity measures have nothing whatsoever to do with it. Shame on you all!!!!
Gromit, the reason we import coal is that foreign coal is cheaper and cleaner. It is cheaper because it is open cast mined which is unfeasible for the British deep coal deposits. If we use expesive coal it makes power more expensive which handicaps our industry and raises the cost of living for the rest of us. Quite why miners want to labour at a dangerous job deep underground I can't imagine. Perhaps the pay is good? Very good?
Sharingan, i am one of those alongside a number of other people i know who will be affected by the benefits cut, will be subject to the bedroom tax, and any number of other changes, none of which i care for. Having said that i won't be going in the centre of town with a placard, nor will i be joining in the rent a gob mob who pervade this city, they come out like vermin at the mention of a riot, if you don't believe me then take a look at the next march, demo, riot, same faces appear time and again, they don't protest because they want to change things, they want to smash down doors, burn cars, and people's property. I have been witness to these types of protests endless times, it seems to be the price you pay for living in a big city, though heaven knows i am sick to death when it happens. The people who usually come off worse are those caught in the middle, who don't want to cause havoc, or destroy others livelihoods. The last riots were damaging in more ways than one, it caused any number of deaths, homes and businesses destroyed, for what exactly. I believe that there will be trouble of one sort or another next week, and i intend staying at home.
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Yes, it's the general sort who probably have no idea about any of the politics but just use it as an excuse to get out and cause trouble.

I'm disabled but, like Em, will not be out playing merry hell, setting fire to things, smashing up shop fronts, looting and targeting the police with missiles and other weapons. I have witnessed many a protest round the city, mostly peaceful and not requiring riot police and significant cost to businesses and the community.

I've also personally witnessed not so peaceful incidents, the kicking off of the Manchester riots, EDL/Anti Racist/Fascist clashes, even when the city got trashed with a notorious Rangers game incident some years back. A common factor were groups of, predominantly youths and young men loitering waiting for something to kick off to get involved and cause trouble.

The current austerity measures also have nothing to do with Baroness Thatcher's passing or funeral.

I'm 34 and remember little about her politics at the time. I remember going to London for the first time when I was, I think, only in junior school and Trafalgar Square and round Downing Street being full of poll tax protesters which later turned into a bus shelter we had been stood in being petrol bombed shortly after we left.
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and i have witnessed the aftermath of these events, as i mentioned before. Wood green shopping area, where every other shop front smashed in, looted for trainers, sports gear, you name it. Why did they target boots the chemists, that is just so perverse. I had no idea the area had been hit so badly, and seeing the mess the following day, i wondered where all the police were, there weren't any patrolling the streets, only the poor bloody council cleaners trying their best to get things back to normal, shocking...
i have already explained that, if you care to read it.
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The rent a mob professional protesters achieve absolutely nothing, except for damaging businesses who employ people, and make us look absolute pratts abroad.............
The sad thing is they think they are being 'intellectual' and acting on behalf of the normal person..............they're not.
It needs very little excuse for the easily-led to come out and act like neanderthals, then protest that there are no jobs for them after they have done their worst..
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A very triggerhappy, crass remark.
it's not bloody cop out, it's safety first, sharinagan was talking about the protests that may ensure at Mrs Thatchers funeral, and i said i firmly believe there will be trouble, so you think waving a placard on the day will be a good idea, not really, and i am too old to be running anywhere.
spoonfed, what on earth does that mean. I worked and continued to do so long after things were falling apart, why should you or anyone else make that sort of judgement, you don't know me.
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