The problem is that many mines were not viable and certainly would not be today.
I agree, more should have been done to encourage new work into the communities and Scargill should have taken this tack. But he wanted a fight with Thatcher. He lost, mainly through his own stupitidy but probably also because he had nothing to blame.
What I cant get my head round is why these people blame Thatcher for wrecking the community but ignore the fact Blar/Brown for 13 years ignored them too, choosing instead to build 'multi cultural' Britain and wreck the economy.
They also choose to ignore the fact the UK was the sick man of Europe caused by over powerful Unions.(These were the days of closed shops; remember them? - join the Union or no job). Thatcher dealt with that and it was very noticeable Blair/Brown were in no hurry to change it.
As for WHETHER Thatcher would have got in if people knew, I suspect she would. Middle England were sick of the country being wrecked by a weak labour Government and it is Middle England that chooses a Government not the 'working man' or the 'Tory toff'.