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Boston Marathon

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sir.prize | 20:40 Mon 15th Apr 2013 | News
35 Answers
Tragic pictures from the finishing line of the marathon following two huge explosive devices.

Reports saying people have lost limbs.

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I have just heard of this from my works colleagues who are in the area. There is not much accurate info at the moment.
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Pictures of the explosion, taken by bystanders, now showing on BBC news
Saw this earlier on the news, it's right outside of the hotel we stayed in a couple if years ago.

Absolutely shocking, has anyone claimed responsibility yet?
On Sky they showed a still of one if the explosions, it was quite large.
Apparently, the airspace around Boston is closed and NY is on "high alert". Probably just precautionary though. Interesting.
Just seen this. It must be terrifying to be caught up in a bombing attack like this - thoughts and best wishes go out to them...
I've just heard about this, do they know who is responsible yet?
I doubt it AYG. I think I know where it is though - beside the Crate and Barrell shop on the other side of Copley Square. Copley Square has some quite major hotels around it. If someone is going to bomb it, that would be the area to go for (a bit like Oxford St). It could be Al Quada linked but if it is, my guess would be that the bombers are small-fry sympathisers
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Sadly 2 have died and many injured
2 more devices have been found and are currently being disarmed according to intelligence sources, apparently....
Ball bearings have been found on the street :(
Al Queda don`t really "do" ball bearings. I wouldn`t be surprised if this group have done this are amateurs.
Cripes - Another bomb gone off at JFK library now, apparently.

Patriot Day, Boston - militia types maybe?
Oh dear just seen some more on TV, it is awful I hope they catch the people responsible. I hope North Korea haven't joined in.
Breaking - Suspect detained, for what its worth....Everything is so confused at the moment..
Difficult to say, just about any group would use what was commonly known in the Forces as 'dockyard confetti' in a bomb, depends on the intended target.

Could be AQ, could be white supremacist nutters or even someone with sympathies to the gun lobby, given that debate is currently underway.
Latest news I have seen - Saudi national is identified as a suspect in the bombing....
On telly now....BBC1 looks nasty...
Obama to make address at 23.10 our time.

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