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A Straw Poll: Do You Care What Happens

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bazwillrun | 14:16 Wed 17th Apr 2013 | News
102 Answers
to Qatada once he is out of our country

a simple yes or no


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Sir.P, when did you ever know the requests on here are followed. :)
having reasons and rationale is too 'technical' apparently

and unnecessary.
society . . . it seems a lost cause doesn't it?
Since when was being rational an optional extra?
Yes, I want him to suffer.
Not really
But you did care if Garry McKinnon got extradited?

Good job he wasn't a muslim with Aspergers' who'd hacked American computers eh? Or you'd have had him straight off to Guantanamo

All down to whether someone is 'one of us' I suppose?
Something has gone seriously wrong when we wish pain and death on another human being.
^ Difference is Garry McKinnon isn't a terrorist
jim - that is exactly why lots of people do not like Qatada
Yes, we live in a civiilsed country which ought to ensure that we do not deliver anyone into the hands of people who will not treat them in a civilised way. It's not about personally liking the man, it's about behaving ourselves with a decent moral compass.
Quite, sir.prize - so we do we do exactly the same as he is then?
Really Joe Luke ?

Do share your extensive knowledge of Qatada's crimes

Just typical of the do-gooders>>>>Something has gone seriously wrong when we wish pain and death on another human being.

Why don't you take him in to your house Jim, it would save this country a lot of money.
a) I don't have a house yet, I'm a student.

b) Just because I don't want someone to be tortured doesn't mean I have to want them in my house. But it's just, well, we are criticising someone for wanting us all dead and some of us want him dead? Isn't that a touch hypocritical?
"But you did care if Garry McKinnon got extradited? "

No I did not.

c) Doesn't it bug you to hear what benefits Qatada gets, while you are still waiting to get your own house?

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