ChatterBank0 min ago
Boston Marathon Bombs
Can we now call a halt to the minute by minute coverage day after day about the Boston bomb.
Hundreds are killed almost daily by bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan in wars started by USA and Blair. A few seconds coverage is all we see of them.
I am sick looking at whooping and hollering Americans.
Hundreds are killed almost daily by bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan in wars started by USA and Blair. A few seconds coverage is all we see of them.
I am sick looking at whooping and hollering Americans.
On the April 7th, a US airstike on Afghanistan killed 17 civilians, 12 of them children. But the newsrooms don't have live pictures to fill their 24 hour screensaver they call news coverage. If they did have footage, it would probably be too grusome to show anyway. In contrast, the US beams us a saturation of images from Boston. There isn't really anything to...
08:23 Sun 21st Apr 2013
I think the level of media coverage is entirely predictable, and given the nature of the attack and the subsequent manhunt and shootouts, not all remarkable.
I do agree with you that in principle offering such coverage is a victory for the terrorists - this is exactly why they strike at such targets, to gain maximum media exposure, to create the greatest climate of fear, but given our 24/7 news coverage this is a genie our of the bottle - it cannot be stopped.
When it comes to 24/7 coverage, what i object to most is the febrile speculation that surrounds such events - again, inevitable i suppose - which distracts and misinforms - and the interminable parade of "experts" in one field or another related to explosives, or policing who ,even with their expert knowledge can offer little to really inform the debate at such early stages.
But the whooping and hollering was spontaneous, and i think was pretty understandable - terror and fear, a rolling, breaking news story with additional shoot-outs, the prospect of more killings, and the imposition of a curfew in Boston - unheard of in modern day US.
I do agree with you that in principle offering such coverage is a victory for the terrorists - this is exactly why they strike at such targets, to gain maximum media exposure, to create the greatest climate of fear, but given our 24/7 news coverage this is a genie our of the bottle - it cannot be stopped.
When it comes to 24/7 coverage, what i object to most is the febrile speculation that surrounds such events - again, inevitable i suppose - which distracts and misinforms - and the interminable parade of "experts" in one field or another related to explosives, or policing who ,even with their expert knowledge can offer little to really inform the debate at such early stages.
But the whooping and hollering was spontaneous, and i think was pretty understandable - terror and fear, a rolling, breaking news story with additional shoot-outs, the prospect of more killings, and the imposition of a curfew in Boston - unheard of in modern day US.
Headline in the Daily Telegraph:
Boston bomber's wife 'returns to Tsarnaev home to collect cat'
http:// egraph. ews/wor ldnews/ northam erica/u sa/1000 9216/Bo ston-bo mbers-w ife-ret urns-to -Tsarna ev-home -to-col lect-ca t.html
Boston bomber's wife 'returns to Tsarnaev home to collect cat'
I feel I must apologise to any American AnswerBank members, for the disgusting lack of sentiment coming from my fellow countrymen (if that is indeed what they are).
Please be assured that these few do not speak for the the large majority of British nationals, and I am sure that these will join me in sending out our condolences to the family of that small boy and all those others that were killed or very badly injured.
After all that little boy went out that day to cheer on his Father, little realising that by carrying out that simple task would cost him his life. And 26-year-old Sean Collier the police officer killed in the line of duty, we cannot play the numbers game when it comes to killings and these people were not in a war zone, no they, just like our own at the London marathon, had set out that day to take part or watch a great charity raising event but instead their whole community was put in a 'lock-down' situation not knowing who the killers were, or how many of them there were to create even more carnage.
Again I can only apologise to our American cousins, especially to those in Boston.
Please be assured that these few do not speak for the the large majority of British nationals, and I am sure that these will join me in sending out our condolences to the family of that small boy and all those others that were killed or very badly injured.
After all that little boy went out that day to cheer on his Father, little realising that by carrying out that simple task would cost him his life. And 26-year-old Sean Collier the police officer killed in the line of duty, we cannot play the numbers game when it comes to killings and these people were not in a war zone, no they, just like our own at the London marathon, had set out that day to take part or watch a great charity raising event but instead their whole community was put in a 'lock-down' situation not knowing who the killers were, or how many of them there were to create even more carnage.
Again I can only apologise to our American cousins, especially to those in Boston.
/// Shame you don't show such heart wrenching sentiment when a pakistani wedding is blown up by mistake AOG ///
I am sure there are many on AnswerBank that did precisely that jake, but I just thought it is long overdue that 'our' own side got a little sympathy for a change, seeing that it gets very little from certain AB members.
/// Shame you don't show such heart wrenching sentiment when a pakistani wedding is blown up by mistake AOG ///
I am sure there are many on AnswerBank that did precisely that jake, but I just thought it is long overdue that 'our' own side got a little sympathy for a change, seeing that it gets very little from certain AB members.
what some accuse others on here of doing, being unsympathetic to those killed in foreign fields, should look to their own words, little or no sympathy for the victims of the Boston Bombing, only a moan that it has been large scale coverage. Well at least the London Marathon went off without a hitch, i would hate to think that if there had been a bomb that killed and maimed many of our runners, some at least wouldn't keep on mentioning those injured or killed overseas, like scoring points....
i think most would agree that those killed in any conflict is horrible, those caught in the middle of wars they didn't create, had no part in,
i think most would agree that those killed in any conflict is horrible, those caught in the middle of wars they didn't create, had no part in,