its within everyone, in any form you care to name, be it in Britain,
i don't like incomers, grockles, this was from a Cornishman some time back, to some Welsh people i met, who didn't care for any English people, and indeed from some English to their neighbours of a different hue, its sometimes low level, but it's there, a distrust of difference, and you will find it in every part of the globe. The Americans are a hodge podge of peoples, but that doesn't stop the black American from disliking his Hispanic neighbour, because of his ethnicity, so just how do you think this will work itself out one day, sorry to say it won't. We could all be coffee coloured, and some will complain that person's complexion is just a bit darker, welcome to the real world. I think it's idealistic to think that any country accepts everyone, that multiculturism, and indeed multi faith works, because for the most part right across the globe, it doesn't,
look at the Sunni v Shia, the Catholic v Protestant, the Jew and Christian, any old excuse, be it colour, ethnicity, religion, or just you don't like their face.